From Palace to Slums


By Sidra chishti, Waseem Sajjad
-Kemcolians Akhuwat Club 
Ramadan Ration Packs Distribution

8th of july,2013.

'These were summer holidays. were are all free in hostel..what my routine was...... 'wake up at 11 am, breakfast in the mess, gossips with everybody around, lunch in the same sitting, noon break ...go to bed again.. dine outside and if you are in mood, watch a movie..' The next day starts again..!!

Two days before ramzan, i was asked to arrange a van for some ration packs distribution.

In a really hot day, purchased stuff for 100 families. Packing, loading and unloading followed by delivering to families was hectic but it was a life time experience! We packed the stuff in dr. ismat leghari's home in model town.

Travelled across the Lahore; from the slums of Qasim Pura to the miseries of Bata pura: saw the anemic labourers striving for life near Taj company and also witnessed the forlorn widows of Hussain abad and township who made our eyes wet.When the ration packs came to an end and still there was an unending line of widows and children crying with hunger, we felt helpless.No electricity, no water supply;sanitation & gas out of question. And still there was a feeling of hope,patience and contentment.The children who are supposed to play with toys were fighting for a packet of sugar. It was a heart rending moment.We needed their phone numbers and majority didn't have mobile phones.Believe me, this is not fiction. This is reality: a bitter and grim reality which we have to admit if we wish to move forward as a nation.

WE NEED AKHUWAT(brotherhood) to share our blessings with those who are less fortune than us. My Billion,trillon thanks to Akhuwat KAC (Kemcolians akhuwat club) and PYS serving as a bridge between two extremes of society!!


  1. well written sidra & waseem..
    life looks very different when you look into it

  2. (y) stay blessed :)

  3. Great job done, the reward is from ALLAH. I am proud of you all for full filling my dreams with bright colours.


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