Neuroanatomy / Brain 2nd Year

Major topics that you must not skip:

  • Spinal tap, caudal anethesia
  • Intracranial hemorrhages
  • All cross-sections v imp (must memorize them from inderbir in detail )
  • Ascending tracts v imp (lat ,ant spinothalamic & post more imp) , injuries
  • Arcuate fibres
  • Descending tracts , diff b/w upper & lower motor neurons & lesions (corticospinal imp)
  • Spinal Cord clinical 
  • Brainstem gross features + cross sections (prefer Inderbir)
  • facial coliculus
  • arnold chiari malformation
  • medial & lateral medullary syndromes
  • lesions of midbrain
  • Cerebellum gross features (prefer Inderbir)
  • structure/layers
  • functional areas
  • intracerebellar nuclei
  • cerebellar cortical mech, mossy& climbing fibres
  • Afferent & efferent fibres
  • Clinical
  • Cerebrum gross features (prefer Inderbir)
  • diencephalon
  • white matter
  • tela choroidea
  • internal capsule v imp ( Inderbir)
  • Venticles imp ( Inderbir)
  • Cortical areas v imp
  • Limbic sys
  • hippocampal formation 
  • clinical
  • Basal ganglia v imp
  • connections v imp
  • functions 
  • clinical
  • Thalamus, nuclei
  • functions
  • clinical
  • Hypothalamus, nuclei
  • functions
  • Blood supply ( Inderbir)


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