Call For Articles


I know it is the Prof  season and you'll feel like killing me when you read this.. but people it is my duty to inform you all about this and give you an opportunity to take your writing skills and the feeling of being a Pakistani doctor to an international level.

All of you are familiar with IFMSA-LAHORE  in KEMU.. yes, the society having the most efficient people and beneficial events like Undergraduate Open Day, Career Counseling, BLS with 1122  this year's president being Iqra Ahmad baji from final year.
So the story is that Manaqibb Zain Ali Khan and I from first year are in the NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS TEAM of IFMSA-PAKISTAN and its job is to bring out an international mag. through IFMSA-Pakistan to let the world know where medical field stands in Pakistan.
For its first publication, I am requesting you all to take out  a little time and contribute.. (preeettyyy puhhllleeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz) 

Call for Articles

IFMSA Pakistan is proud to announce this call for its 

first annual magazine

.You are invited to submit original articles of 500-1500 

words on issues of public health importance in 

Pakistan. Preference will be given to the articles 

written on the following theme:

“Traditional Medicine and its role in Current Practices”

Please submit your articles to

The readership of this publication will be medical 

students, locally

and internationally, within the IFMSA community.

Deadline for submission is 30th September 2013

Here is the link to one of the international magazines of IFMSA


  1. Hi, i love this blog so much, its full of inspiration.
    Medical Help


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