[AsK]emUnited Premed and FSc Guidance and Counselling Initiative: Question 2


Premed/FSc Guidance and Counselling Initiative.

Few Words about [AsK]emUnited Premed Counselling Initiative..

KemUnited started a premed section not very long ago. We got an overwhelming response to it, within a short period of time. The KemUnited team felt that there was widespread ignorance about preparation techniques. Most of the students relied on hearsay from their nearest friends and seniors, which may have guided or misguided them depending on the caliber of that person.
This is our first step to give one-on-one advice. We also plan on holding live online question & answer session with our fresh Kemcolians. This will be possible once we are done with our professional exams.

Aims & Objectives:

  • To provide reliable guidance from the people who have made it to KEMU. This is to break the status quo in which the premed candidates are clueless about who to talk to for their study problems
  • Our panel of experts are fresh students of King Edward Medical University. They must've done some thing right to get to the highest merit medical college. The advice they give may not be perfect. But they might be able to point you in the right direction in a much better way than any other source of advice out there.
  • We don't have anything to gain by giving advice. The need to state this arises because of the carnivorous academies or tutors who may have their vested interest in mind to mint more money out of poor premed candidates. Our goal is to take full benefit of the reach of our blog to help as many people as possible.

How to ask a question:

Some points to keep in mind before you ask a question. Please keep in mind that the panel who will answer your questions are also students with limited amount of time.

  • Click here to go to premed tab of our blog. Go through all the articles given over there. YOU MUST ALSO READ THE COMMENTS as a question like yours might already have been asked and answered.
  • The question selected to be answered here will be one which most of the people can relate to and benefit from.
  • Give a brief description of your problem. At the end of your email, briefly enumerate your questions once again so that nothing remains unanswered.
  • Be nice and formal in your email. Do not rite like dis. Avoid using ch@t/$mS language. Use proper grammar, punctuation and correct spellings. If you cannot manage to do that, then please do yourself a favor and quit premed.
  • Email us at blog@kemu.edu.pk with the subject line "Ask kemunited"

Question 2: Use of Guide Books

 I wanted to ask u that if for Urdu I just memorize the tashree and everything else from a guide book?? the thing is the college teacher just gives us a lecture and expects us to write the whole tashree and everything else on our own.. i'm thinking to buy a guide book with answers for everything and just memorize things from there word to word...! Please suggest a good guide book for Urdu?


Guide books matter a lot in FSc yes. But for English, Urdu, Islamiat/Pakstudies mainly. 
For science subjects do buy some good guide book like Azeem's/unique's but just to add the explanation/steps in long questions and to confirm the answers of short questions.
But stick to your board books. No notes or guidebooks can help you get through the exam if you do not know what's written in your book. And if you follow your books and read them word to word carefully it will help you in mcat as well.
As far as essays/tashreehat/long question of islamiat pak..studies are concerned yes buy two or three good guidebooks or notes for them. Read the explanation. But learn the references i.e. the verses and quotes and all. Examiners usually read the highlighted refernces only not the whole stuff. So just make sure you have got good references from guidebooks to write in the answer.
If you cannot write in your own words and you need to learn it from somewhere DO NOT just cram it from some specific guidebook. Read it from more than one place. Take some lines from one place and some from another and make notes of your own essays/tashreehat/answers. Then cram from there. This will make your stuff different from others and better too.
And Pray a lot!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unsa Athar

For all your question/queries/comments, email us at blog@kemu.edu.pk 
 with subject line "Ask Kemunited"


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