Notes to Self - Promises that I make every year

Notes to self - Promises that I make every year
 "I talk to myself because I'm the only one who listens to me"
"The Anxiety Girl"

Dear future me,
Remember the time when you were nose-deep in s*** before the send-ups last year? Yeah, well I am from that time :D
Let me tell you one thing. Situation: NOT GOOD...
Lets not beat about the bush and get to the point shall we?

1. First of all, when you read a textbook with the author referring to the readers as "The reader should revise HIS previous knowledge about..." and then referring to psychological patients as "HERS"...YOU DO NOT INSTANTLY CLOSE DOWN THE BOOK, BRAND THE AUTHOR AS A SEXIST AND REFUSE TO READ THAT PARTICULAR TEXTBOOK... Unless you want to flunk that is...which I have it with good authority that you don't...

2. Another very imp thing, READ THE TEXT ... After a lecture, before a lecture, WHENEVER but just make sure that you have read it at least once... Just paying attention during the lectures- good to get you through but not enough so do yourself a favor, READ THE TEXT AT LEAST ONCE. Because what you don't want to do, is be reading a whole unit for the first time in your life just before the send ups and obviously not completing it XD. Then someone asks you about your plan for send ups you don't end up saying
PLAN: Allah g plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz paper ata ho :P
Lets get serious here shall we? :P (< yes i know that was the wrong smiley for "getting serious" .-.)

3.When not getting anatomical relations, open Last's Anatomy (text) and KLM (diagrams)

4. Complete your practical copies when sir is giving a lecture. Instead of scribbling blah blah blah on your notebook. So that while you're sitting right in front of him, taking notes. It would help because when sir calls you upfront to draw pulsus bigeminus on the board XD you would know what the s*** he's asking you to do for once in your life XD

5. Histo practicals, What u want to do is COMPLETE THE TEXT DURING THE LAB -_- It will make life a whole lot easier :P

6. Physio graphs and charts should be on your fingertips, just keep practicing them.

7. Histo diagrams should be on finger tips

8. As for notes, :'( You don't get time to read notes AND books before send ups :O but making notes helps....sooooooooo here's a suggestion, make notes then read the chapter then write down the extra points on sticky paper and get a neurosurgeon to crack open your skull stick em to your brain and close the lid (lid being your skull) *yaaaay problem solved* ooooooor just stick them in your book, that also works *shrugs* .-. And then eat the book.

9. oh and one more thing, you know when you get notes copied from someone when you are absent (n without even going through them once) you put them in some file, or tuck them in a book or "save" them in the dark corners of a drawer or something equally intelligent that you cant remember later, just wanted to tell you that you found all that s*** AFTER the profs :3 another thing: the assignments you spent hours on? those too :3
so what im trying to say here is, thanx -_- reaaaally helpful stuff, oh wait. yeah the profs are OVER -_-  so what u want to do is, next time, give this stuff to the neurosurgeon too :3

10. when asked to give a definition, "to define is to limit" -----> not a suitable answer .-. k? .-.

11. past papers *sighs* (enough said)
so lets summarize :
> histo, ga, embryo sath sath
> klm clinicals for each substage
> complete copy during practical time
> all units should be read at least once
> ganong too if possible
> practical copy complete
> *************
> so what you do is TREAT IT AS A SUBJECT, that should fix the problem -_-

*Discussing Biochem pof preparation plans with friends*

and in the end, I know you wont follow all of this XD that I know because you (you=I here) started writing this waaaaaaaaaay befooooooooore the send ups, n after that opened it today and finally completed it... I put the PRO in procrastination B)
oh well, you know what they say, "procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday" ;)  (maybe if you could keep it to yesterday or even the previous week NOT the previous month(s) -_- that might also help make the situation better :3 )
at least really.....just try.... .-.

DISCLAIMER: this article was not written in a stable condition of mind, do not brand the writer as crazy.. I am saying this because majority is authority...since 8/15 voices in my head agree I am not crazy, hence I am not O:) and with that cheers people! happy 2nd yr :D


  1. I was
    getting bore since morning but as soon as I got this link & reached at
    this blog, I turned into fresh and also joyful too.

  2. "so what you do is TREAT IT AS A SUBJECT, that should fix the problem" LOL (Y)


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