Kemcolian Legacy – Story of Reunion ‘88

By Ruhma Ihsan 3 rd Year It was a gloomy and dark day when Dr.Sidra gave me the news that I have to stay here in winter vacations to help our seniors in planning their reunion. I agreed, "seniors, ahan" *sighs* They are planning their 25th anniversary of graduation and I was like what?? What will we do in party of some old dry sophisticated papery doctors?! Then the show started. Day after day of meetings and discu ssions followed. Surprisingly we enjoyed those meetings; the spice of the meetings was Dr.Nadeem Ali Khan. The way he smiled at us like a beloved father and said,"Guriya" filled our hearts with affection for him. He holds a prestigious office and yet he is so humble. *Respect Sir* On that day (25th December) we woke up planning that we will stay serious and behave in a mature manner. After promising ourselves thus, we reached Patiala cricket ground. There we were told that more than one class has come. Match wa...