How To Fail-A Complete Guide

by Aneeqa Javed 1st Year Confused? Wondering why I’d rather post ways to fail the tests than give you some advice? The answer is quite simple. Everyone at KE is a topper, the cream of nation. They must have never failed in their lives. So I thought it’d be good to fail, just for a change. And the nerds around here are giving me the creeps. They need to go easy with this nerdy stuff. And try something new, something as fresh as a failure! :) Punctuality: The one thing you need to keep in mind is, always be late to your lectures. Never be on time. Punctuality will spoil you. Spoil you bad. All you have to do is fool around in the Piccadilly or the lawns a little after your classmates rush past you to the lecture theatres. Trust me, this will help. Lectures: Secondly do not dare to listen to the lectures. It would only leave you befuddled and struggling for breath when all the others around you ask such questions which you could never have come up with, not even in your...