Know your Society _ Societies in KEMU

“Being the society freak”
-Unsa Athar Batch'17

Hey Freshies, This article is for those among you who are looking forward to more fun at KEMU. Since I am known to be a freak jerking around in all the societies, some of your felllows were asking me about them. So here it is, happy reading!!


Okay,  It all started from KemUnited.  Being the first ever kemcolian who started writing stuff for kemunited even before the commenecement of classes kept me busy and the appreciation coming from Bilal Bhai kept me going. {Bilal bhai, I’ll always owe you :’) Writing for kemunited and being a junior admin has been a great experience. Blogging is something that makes you famous in no time. The academic stuff at kemunited and the other blogs/comics make people grateful and impressed :P
Kemunited gives you the best platform to express yourself as a kemcolian , for the kemcolians. And your picture in the About Us section makes you feel all shoda :D 

KAPS-Kemcolians' Arts and photographic Society

This is the first society that came t introduce itself.  I was absent that day but I was told the class hooted and screamed like crazy (jis trha chotey bachey khush hotey hain tom and jerry lagney pe, wesey :P)
KAPS is a place for photographers, singers, musicians, and artist loug.  I being a completely non-artistic person joined KAPS as an organizer.  Booking the hoodies, selling tickets for their events, pasting charts all around uni, making charts, stuff like that.  And hence Le Me attended the high-tea at Park Plaza ^_^
The best event of KAPS is the Annual Film Festival and freshies go all “‘O_O  GOSH, KEMCOLIANS BE THE BEST” when they get to see the talent of kemu doctors as film makers. You get a chance to perform at the event too as a singer/musician.
Then there is also  this exciting Comic-making competition for all the meme makers out there.

Zain Haq performing at the Film Fest.
May be another Salman Ahmed!!

Salman Ahmed from Junoon Band is also a kemcolian!!

Kemcolians Making History - Street Art for Guinness World Record.


This society has two sub-societies. English, Urdu. You can join both. It is a MUST for the people interested in literary stuff because there events are so interesting. You get a chance to prove your writing skills in prose, short stories and poems. Then there are the Inter-class and All-Pak  Quizzes that are so much fun to attend and organize. The Mushaira  by the Urdu people  gives you a chance to listen to the witty poetry of famous folks like Amjad Islam Amjad.
There is also this photo captioning contest by KELS English for all the photographers out there.
Walking through the turrets of KE, I feel the glory; the unparalleled grandeur; the warmth of love and the scent of honor; the serenity of a droplet of water, its purity in sense of clarity and its beauty that makes the hallmark of every stream making a splash ; its peculiarity and uniqueness reflected in every one of us who ever walked through these corridors.

Awais Raza (3rd Prize)
KELS Engish has its own blog ( ) which you can join and a bookclub that enables you to borrow any book you like. (

One of the perks of being a part of KELS-English was meeting Saad Javed ^_^ my all-time favorite writer from Us Magazine.
Story Writing Competition
 Inter Class quiz


It is one of the best societies at KE. People coming at KEMU are usually good orators with a background of winning several events in their school/college. So KEDS is a platform for them to continue with their passion for debates. Even if you suck at debating, like me, you should still join KEDS. They organize camps for  newbies  where you get to learn a lot. Being able to speak in front of the crazy kemcolian crowd will certainly help you in all your vivas and interviews later in life because it certainly polishes your confidence and communication skills.
KEDS allows freshies to go to different universities for the debating events to let them prove themselves as orators.
And again for people like me with no good debating history, Organizing the ALL PAK DEBATING EVENT AND INTERCLASS EVENT is an experience worth remembering. Being the “president” for a match is just so much fun. ^-^ And the people at KEDS are so supportive and a freshman not learning from them is certainly a fool.
All Pak Event

Inter class event:

SPWS- Student Patient Welfare Society:

A good society, organizes events for the collection of money to help the patients at MAYO.
Bake Sale is week full of food and fun  *-* WE WON THE BAKE SALE LAST YEAR!! WOOOHOOO.
You can be an organizer for the events for you can help 
by buying food from the stalls :P
Either way, pitching in is a must because charity is something much needed these days.

-Winning the bake sale!!


Another charity society, It organizes stuff like Make A dream Project for children in Paeds, the Annual symposium,  giving food and stuff to patients before eid, the reunion of old kemcolians.  Presided by MaamRafeaTafweez, It certainly is a society worth joining.
Do NOT ask the story behind the 'st' 


A must join!!!! The certificates of this society shall adorn your CVs when you apply somewhere as a doctor. It is an international society of medical students with local councils all over Pakistan. The events of this society, like The Undergraduate Open day, Basic Life Support with Rescue 1122, 
Career counseling, are constructive and helpful.

Due to this society I am also a part of the first ever National Publications Team, IFMSA PAKISTAN and this has given me an opportunity to interact with doctors from different regions of Pakistan who work internationally with medical folks around the globe.


The university magazine is something one should definitely go for!! You should try to join it as a member of the editorial team.  If not, do write something, ANYTHING for Kemcol because it certainly adds to the essence of being a kemcolian.
Being a part of kemcol as a team member means a pic of yours in it ^_^
*Oh I am so looking forward to Kemcol’13*


To put into our CR’s words “Jahan ka namak khaya ho, Sb sei ziada tareef Unsa ne isi society ki karni haina.Sb sei ziada level b yahan hi chukka tha” and that is true :P KDS is the love of my life *ting ting*
I was so excited about this society and joined it an executive member from first year. That is not really necessary. What matters is that you have to show up at the auditions if you want to join it as an actor or even as a backstage team member. KDS PLAY is  THE best event here at KE. End pey ata hai aur chhaaa jatahai.  But remember  KDS demands a lot of hard work and dedication. I had to stay behind at college for the rehearsals  from May to June and as a result my stage and substage had to suffer. But trust me, KDS IS WORTH IT!! The one month you spend in the auditorium with KDS folks is the ‘discovery ride’  in the ‘joyland’ of KemSociety Life.
Here is the review of the last year's play which shall give you an idea of the substance of KDS

KDS ANNUAL PLAY 2013- A Tale Of Two Tales

Fun at Rehearsals:

Then there is also the SPORTS CLUB

Sports Week '13 Review

for all the athletes, SARDS for people interested in research stuff and LIBRARY CLUB for all the book-worms.


1.       You learn A LOT. Communication skills improve. Your seniors teach you the proper way to spend your life as a med. Student.  Interaction with seniors is so important atleast for people like me. Because in the prof times, these very seniors are 24/7 available for all kind of guidance and moral support.  And the good luck messages they send the night before exam make your eyes shine with the tears of gratitude.
2.       The Fun Part is vital to survive at KE for freaks like me.  During the FSc time it was all work and no play. And now it Is all play and no work. :3 At the end of the academic session when you go home on prep. Leaves it’s the society events that make you nostalgic and crave for the next session. I mean seriously, if there were NO KDS play to look forward to, what would I be living for?? .-.
3.       It helps you recognize your strengths.
4.        HIGH TEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Who in the world would ever say NO to free food with seniors and fellows at MM Alam Road: D The High Teas and get-togethers at the end of the year are a highlight of societies.
5.       You get to know the teachers more closely. 4th year, final year meinja k it helps a lot in exams :3
6.       It gives millions of tales to tell your children and grandchildren when you grow old :P


1.       Decide which society you want to join according to the talent you think you have. If you think you have nothing wothy enough for a society ,like me, you should join every society :P You’ll soon know what stuff is made for you.
2.       Join the FB groups all the societies to know dates for applying for a post and the interview dates
3.       Make a CV with all your particulars and a reason why you want to join some particular society. Get multiple copies of it ready.
Here is a guide to making a CV

The Art of Making a CV

4.       Write an application for joining the society to the concerned head
5.       Reach the Professor-In-Charge office at the interview!! Many fellows of mine applied for kemcol last year but didn’t show up for the interview -_- which they certainly regretted later.
6.       Oh and keep the membership money ready :3 along with dhaaairsaari passport size photographs.

PS: Managing societies with studies is no biggie. Sometimes you have to leave the lectures for events but make sure to tell the concerned teacher and do keep an estimate of your attedance. 75%+ matters in the end so feel free to take a break from the never-ending-storm of lectures.

PPS: Ignore the mistakes in the blog :P Le me doesn't want to go to uni tomorrow :(




  1. UNSA u did a fab job

  2. How can we get to know which society has got which fb group?

  3. Usna Athar can you also provide us with your email address if anyone wants more info

  4. Haq ada kar dia ha namak ka unsa


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