Sign Up for Gmail Account to access KemUnited E-Library

King Edward Medical University Administration offers Email Accounts with KEMCAANA collaboration to all Students, Faculty Members and Administrative Staff of King Edward University & Allied Hospitals, Lahore.This service has powerful Gmail features like 25 GB web space for every email account, Blast email facility to Administrative Staff, Calendar and Documents sharing, Departments Web pages and collaboration tools etc.

And NOW you can also access the KemUnited Digital Library using account ! (Click the link)

How to sign up for Gmail account ?
  1. To create new account visit Main KEMCAANA Computer Lab in Department of Biochemistry (1st Floor, Bawalpur Block). Take a copy of your University/Department card as well.
  2. Contact Mr. Rashid Javed (Manager KEMCAANA Computer Labs) and register your account. You will be required to fill in a few details and your contact information. Your account will be created on the spot.
  3. To Login go to :


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