Pharmacology Guide

In Pharmacology almost everything is important ! You just cannot leave a topic considering it unimportant or irrelevant. Everything is inter-related in some way so you need to have a strong grip on the basics at least. Remembering the details is an added advantage.

General Pharma:

The chapter from Cheema should serve as a guideline only. I suggest you study the major topics in detail from class lectures, Katzung, Lippincott (or even Kaplan). Specially the definitions.
The entire unit is important but following are the topics that you must definitely go through:

  • sources of drugs 
  • active principles: alkaloids,glycosides
  • difference between fixed and volatile oils
  • drug administration: Oral route , Parenteral , IV, IM, Intradermal ,trans
  • Pharmacokinetics; absorption,distribution, plasma protein binding
  • Biotranformation all v imp: mixed function oxidase
  • Enzyme induction & inhibition all v imp
  • Excretion
  • Bio availability
  • Half life
  • Mech of drug action
  • affinity & intrinsic activity
  • graded and quantal dose response curve and what info they give v imp
  • synergism
  • antagonism v imp
  • tolerance
  • anaphylaxis
  • cumulation
  • pharmacogenetics v imp
  • allergy , types & treatment
  • hypersensitivity reactions
  • adverse drug reactions (type ABCDE from lectures NOT from cheema)
  • Drug dependence (features only)
  • Def from bioessay
  • Drug interactions vvv imp 
Mini Katzung: 
  • definitions
  • permeation
  • 1st and zero order kinetics
  • spare receptors
  • therapeutic index and window
  • signaling mechanisms
  • up and down regulation of receptors
  • volume of distribution
  • clearance
  • maintenance and loading dose
  • orphan drug


  • volume of distribution v imp
  • Bio availability
  • 1st and zero order kinetics
  • p450 system
  • elimination
  • clearance
  • kinetics of IV infusion
  • steady state conc
  • dose-response relationships
  • quantal dose relationships
V imp. Most difficult section to retain. See MRS for mnemonics or make your own. Read details of major drugs from lippin or big kat. Classifications of mini kat are accepted.
  • B lactams . V imp
  • Classification
  • Mech of action
  • Clasification cell wall synthesis inhibitors.
  • Penicillins. Moa and mech of resistance.
  • Ampicillin . Amoxicillin
  • Toxicity
  • Cephalosporins.
  • Toxicity
  • Tazobactam
  • Vancomycin
  • Moa of protein synthesis inhibitors.
  • Chloramphenicol. Moa. Uses. Toxicity imp.
  • Tetracyclines.
  • Antibacterial spectrum
  • Uses. Toxicity.
  • Macrolides.
  • Spectrum.
  • Erythromycin.
  • Toxicity.
  • Clindamycin.
  • Aminoglycosides v imp
  • Pharmacokimetics
  • Moa v v imp
  • Uses.
  • Toxicity v imp
  • Sulfonamides.
  • Moa . Spectrum. Toxicity
  • Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole aka cotrimoxazole.
  • Fluoroquinolones (prof 2013)
  • Moa.uses. Toxicity.
  • Antimycobacterial most imp
  • 1st line drugs . V imp
  • 2nd line. (prof 2013)
  • Isoniazid. Moa. Toxicity
  • Rifampin. moa. Toxicity
  • Ethambutol. Moa . Toxicity
  • Pyrizinamide. Moa. Toxicity
  • Regimens v imp
  • Dapsone

Anti fungal imp
  • Classification
  • Amphotericin. Moa. Use. Toxicity
  • Flucytosine. Moa.
  • Azoles. Moa. Uses.toxicity.
  • Griseofulvin.
  • Terbinafine imp.
  • Topical drugs
Anti viral
  • Classification imp 
  • Acyclovir 
  • Anti-hiv /antiretroviral types names. Prototypes. 
  • Abacavir 
  • Zidovudine 
  • Amantadine 
  • Drugs used in hepatitis 
  • Interferons v imp
  • Metronidazole imp 
  • Nalidixic acid
Anti protozoal
  • Drugs amebiasis table 
  • Antimalarial all v v imp 
  • Anthelmintics read only 
  • Albendazole
  • Mebendazole
(To be continued)


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