Thinking outside the Box 1: Robotic Surgery
By Muhammad Mohsin Ali

You think about conceiving a
murder plan for the next person who mentions studies. You consider air
embolism, electrocution and even tension pneumothorax. But then, you are
limited in our means and you don’t want to spend the next 4 years in a smelly
cell inside the Session Court.
But rest assured: Thinking Outside
the Box is not something to make you wish you had never chosen the medical field.
TOTB is going to be a fun-filled exploration of some of the sophisticated
frontiers of modern science, especially medicine, which you don’t get to learn
about in the newly demolished Anatomy lecture theater. As you read, you will
realize that there’s more to life than tendons, ligaments and action
So, having said that, let us
turn our thoughts to the topic at hand today, which is gonna be surgical
Yesterday, I watched I, Robot
(ah yes, I admit I never watched it before), a movie based on the theme that by
2035, robotics will have evolved so much that robots will try to take the world
in their own hands and to govern the creators. This is probably unlikely, but one
thing is very much likely: we’ll be using robots like never before. Already, in
2014, we are experimenting on robots that can think like humans, and by 2035,
we might well have robots strolling up and down our streets, singing in our
operas and working as cash managers in our local markets.
How, you might ask, does this
in anyway even wildly link to medicine? Well, you don’t have to look too far:
the answer is right here. Robotics and surgery make as good a match as anything
else, and hence now we officially have a terminology on surgical robotics.
In case you find this
slightly exhilarating (and I dunno why you should feel that way), you might
drop out of your seat on hearing that till date, nearly 2 million successful
surgical operations have been carried out using—that’s right—robotics.
How come? Well, in its nearly
200 years of documented history, surgery has seen quite a few major shifts. From
dissecting people publicly to remove a kidney stone to successfully saving the
lives of chain smokers by CABG, surgery has evolved at a rate paralleled only
perhaps by pharmaceutics. And now, instead of cutting people up to check what’s
wrong with them, we use procedures that involve only a minor incision and
access to the vital organs your body houses. Such procedures are called
minimally invasive procedures.
In robotic surgery, the best
known systems of which are the Zeus and the Da Vinci system (yup, the guy who
created the inscrutable Mona Lisa), we use such a procedure to access the body.
And here comes the creepy part: it’s not a real, living surgeon shredding
through the layers of skin—it’s a robot.
But it isn’t as creepy as it looks.
The robot is not working on its own (thankfully!) but is being operated by a
surgeon sitting at a gaming console a few feet from the patient. Once the
barriers of the body have been breached, the surgeon guides the robot inside,
where the body structures can not only be visualised by a 3-D camera that is
cooler than a DSLR, but also be excised, or treated in whatever way they are
supposed to be treated, by microscopic surgical instrumentation.
The experience (for the surgeon)
is often exhilarating. It’s like you have shrunk yourself by eating a piece of
cake, like in Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland and then entered the body to check what’s malfunctioning. In
fact, you’d appreciate this even more if you watched Dexter in your childhood—and
not focused on DeeDee.
And if this were not exciting
enough for a lifetime, recently scientists have invented a robotic phlebotomist—a
machine chap who knows all about the anatomy of veins, can check via ultrasound
for blood flow in the right one, and then puncture it to obtain your blood
sample, efficiently and neatly in under a minute.

Robotic surgery is not the
future of tomorrow, it is the present of today. Once we all grow up (if we
still can), we won’t be cutting people open simply to remove a tumorous growth.
We’ll be using robots, and it is undeniable that robots are not as stupid as
some humans are.
So don’t fret, don’t worry.
We’re going to have robots sooner or later. And if it is inevitable, why not
use them to save more lives?
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