major viva:
What is GH?
Functions of GH?
functions of Estrogen?
functions of progestrone?
Relaxin is released by?
Second messenger systems?
Phospholipase C system?
products produced by action of Phospholipase C and the functions of products?
Preovulatory Surge?
Cause of POS?
which hormones use Phospholipase C system?
what is somatomedin C?
Postural movements, its centers, crossed extensor reflexe, functions of stomach
Definition of receptor?
receptor potential?
properties of receptor?
labelled line principle?
parts of speech?
motor functions of stomach?
testosteron function ?
DCML,Anterolateral differences?
Rate receptors?
Posture controls?
Types of sensations?
Function of spinal cord?
Reflexes,cord rightening and so on
speech pathway?
temprature sensors?
paleospinothalamic pathway?
stomach motor functions?
anterior pituitary hormones and their functions?
what is difference in new born baby?
what is the difference between pituitary diabetes nd diabetes meliltus?Functions of thalamusAnalgesia SystemCause of sleepFunction of Reticular activating systemPain Pathway
properties of synapses. intermediate memory mechanism,. thought, presynaptic inhibition.

two plexuses of GIT?
which plexus controls GIT secetions?
What is gastric Juice?
what is Pepsin?
site of formation of pepsin?
water balance hormone from hypothalamus?
mechanism of action of ADH?
site of release?
basal ganglia and their names?
corticostriatal fibers release which neurotransmitter?
lesion of Pallidus?
difference between Ballismus and hemiballismus?
sensory cortex?
amorphosynthesis and its cause?
sensations carried by anterolateral pathway?
which is motor part of spinal cord?
differentiate b/w tonic and phasic contractions?function of bicarboate ions?secretin acts on which part of pancreas?
Prolactin, actions regualtion?
presbiopia, its correction?
types of receptors?
mechanism of steroid hormones?
functions of testosterone, aldosterone?
growth hormone?
tropic hormones?
name ant. pit hormones?
action of FSH?
receptor potential?
spinocerebellum functions?
hishprung's disease?
Types of harmonal receptors?
puberty,1st sign of puberty?
adrenogenital syndrome?
androgens screted by adrenal cortex?
mask effect and its threshold?
medial lemniscs?
git reflexes?
CCK action nd site of action??
cerebellar diseases?
fine tremors?
Decibel, Bel, their values?
conversions to dynes?
Pitch values in males, females?
Nervous Axis of hormones?
Tympanic Reflex?
GnrH n LH flows. (in waves on graphs)
Sound waves, crests, troughs?
Prolactin regulation?
depth perception?
monoocular and binocular mechanisms of depth perception?
pre-ovulatory surge?
* EVERY little detail of first chapter of eye and hearing VERY important.
Taste senasations, their thresholds?
Auditory pathways , new, old terminations?
Growth hormone?
purely endocrine glands?
attenuation reflex?
contents of middle ear?
early signs of puberty?
reticular activating system, including neurotransmitters
cuadate and putamen pathway functionns?
toncs and phasic receptors?
defecation reflex?
Physiological Blind spotMaculaFunctions of cortisolCushing's syndromeProgesteroneRole of progestins on renal functionMenopause
Perimenopausal changesCause of Purple Striae in Cushing's Disease
Positive feedback examples in hormones, up and down regulation of receptors, diabetes type 1 and 2,
ovulation test, pregnancy test, elisa, place principle, rinnes test.

PRACTICALS (Minor viva):

SMT practical: what is twitch? Why SMT is taken? what is Latent Period?
3,4,6 CNs examination: What are the names of these CNs? what is strabismus? what are the types of strabismus? what causes torsional Strabismus?
demonstration of tetanization on frog's nerve muscle preparation:What is Tetanization,refractory period(mark on the graph),Duration of a simple muscle twitch?
FUNDUSCOPY:physiological blind spot, what does fundoscopy of a diabetic person show?
TWO SUCCESSIVE STIMULI:inotropic effect, in which phase amplitude chages, .
facial nerve examination: observation? bell's palsy
fatigue: definition, contracture remainder? sites of fatigue in central and peripheral tissues
Cerebellar function: Cerebellar sensory functions, centers for equilibrium, phonation, borcas area, dysarthria
Perimetry: angle of arc in field of vision, acuity def, bases of snellen's chart.
Nerve Muscle Tetanization:how I adjusted the multiplier and speed selector to exactly 40mm/s?What is refractory period?Types of refractory period.Why skeletal muscle undergoes tetanization and cardiac doesnt?

  • Internal : Definition of receptor, receptor potential, properties of receptor, labelled line principle, parts of speech External : types of receptors, mechanism of steroid hormones, myopia, astigmatism, functions of testosterone, aldosterone
    What is/are:receptor,
    receptor potential,spinocerebellum functions,herschprung's disease,ataxia.

    Types of harmonal receptors,puberty,1st sign of puberty,adrenogenital syndrome,androgens screted by adrenal cortez,mask effect and its threshold.
  • Principle
    Supposed calculations+ observations

  • external:medial lemniscs,git reflexes,CCK action nd site of actn,cerebellm diseases,fine tremrs(hyperthyrodsm)
    wth sm confusig one jo yad nhe
  • Questions regarding practical of demonstration of tetanization on frog's nerve muscle preparation:
    What is:
    Tetanization,refractory period(mark on the graph),Duration of a simple muscle twitch.
  • Questions regarding practical of demonstration of tetanization on frog's nerve muscle preparation:
    What is:
    Tetanization,refractory period(mark on the graph),Duration of a simple muscle twitch.
  • What is:
    Tetanization,refractory period(mark on the graph),Duration of a simple muscle twitch.
    External kay mashhoor "depressors" and other questions:

    Decibel, Bel, their values , conversions to dynes.
    Pitch values in males, females.
    Nervous Axis of hormones.
    Tympanic Reflex.
    GnrH n LH flows. (in waves on graphs)
    Sound waves, crests, troughs.
    Prolactin ki regulatioon.
  •  Internal : DCML, Anterolateral diffs.
    Rate receptors.
    Posture controls.
    Types of sensations, receptors.
    Function of spinal cord.
    Reflexes, cord righting n so on..

    External: Started with diopter, came on to depth perception, parallax, stereopsis, monoocular and binocular mechanisms of depth perception.
    LH, pre-ovulatory surge.
    * EVERY little detail of first chapter of eye and hearing VERY important.
    Taste senasations, their thresholds.
    Auditory pathways , new, old terminations.
  •  Practiical.
    Nerve Muscle Tetanization, externals viva :
    Asked how I adjusted the multiplier and speed selector to exactly 40mm/s.
    What is refractory period?
    Types of refractory period.
    Why skeletal muscle undergoes tetanization and cardiac doesnt.
  • P.S The external will NEVER be satisfied with your answers.
    Coming up with the right ones might actually infuriate her. -.-
    Sensory parts of cerebellum
    Also in practical, major practical kay viva has 20 marks and minor 15, which adds up to 35, n they call it a minor!
  •  practical : romberg's test, sensory function of cerebellum which is efference copy by ventral spinocerebellar tract.

    she is never satisfied -.-

  • intrnl..intrmediat mmry
    wt is rcptr
    spinl cord fncts
    hemisection of cord..
    pitutry cells
    their hrmones
    kinds of diabetes..(inspids n melits)...
    typ 2 ma kya o ra e..(precis ans is..down regulatn of rcptrs..wthnrml insulin lvl..decresad sensitvty ka wrd unko acha i lgta itna..)
    glucos regultn...factrs..epinphrin kahan sy aya(dnt frgt
    to say HYPOTHLMS SIGNLLD medula to releas it)
     delayed pubrty in males ko kya kehty?(it ws smt strtng wth A..firdos gytn ma ni e)
    n in female(primry amenorhea
    wt is amenorhea..primry kyn hta..scndry ka mostt comon cause aik
    osteoporosis n osteo malacia ka dif..osteoporosis ma kn sa aik hrmn decreas or do hrmn increas hty..(estrogn..crtisol grwth hrmn)
    parathyroid ka mech of action pochain to she is asknng Ca sensng mechnsm...CaSR vala
    olfactry rcptr

  •  superfemale
    turner n kleinfiltr synd n hrmphrodits ma kyn hta ovo.testis..

  • minr viva: effect of cerebellar disease on myotactal reflexes... angle subtended by the chracter (E) in snellen chart at the normal distance...angle subtended by the bar of the E in the illiterate snellen chart...
    Minor: pre-load and after-load, swallowing centre, refractory period, cause of tetanization.
  •  Minor Viva: name the 3 tests used for colour vision, wavelengths of red, green and blue colour. Auditory parthway, what is the function of superior olive other than sound: it is differentiation and determination of distance. and for kymograms, you must know the meanings of all the points on it and reasons of curves.
  • Minor viva: freezing of parts of body called frostbite, how to test function of lateral rectus

  • external:wots cortisol n secreted from whch zone,total sperms in 1 ml of ejaculate,cushing syndrome n disease,presbyopia n its correction,accomodation
    internal:properties of receptors,functions of stomach,peristalsis sbse zyada git k kis part m hoti h (ileum),memory,facilitation,inhibition,functn of sympathetic systm
    n itx effect on eye
  •  External
    Special senses: what is olfaction? primary sensations of smell? physical properties of the odorant? olfactory pathways? anosmia?
    Reproduction: what is lactation? hormones responsible? milk let down?
  • External: migratory myoelectric complex, EEG n its waves, receptor definition, labelled line principle, golgi tendon organ and golgi tendon reflex.
    Internal: hemianopias and their types. visual acuity, its angle, nodal point n bla bla(thngs related to visual acuity), eye movemnts, how to fix gaze, adrenogenital syndrome, placenta hormones
  • Tetanisation- Where exactly is tetanisation occurring on the graph? Why causes tetanisation?
    Colour Vision- Types of cones? Protanomaly?

    External: Name some association areas. What is Wernicke's area? What happens if it gets damaged? What causes Word Blindness? What is Word Blindness? What are the different parts of cerebellum? What are their functions? What causes ulcer?
    (She will find a fault in almost everything you say. Don't bother arguing with her. Actually, PLEASE don't argue with her. You'll make her angry. And then Dr Samia will get angry. And then bad things will happen.)
    Internal: Resting membrane potential of hair cells. Function of outer hair cells. Parts of vestibular apparatus. Regulation of sodium. Depth perception.
  •  Internal: functions of hypothalamus
    Satiety area. Whether insulin dependent or not.
    Is brain dependent upon insulin for glucose uptake.

    functions of spinocerebellum.
    Water regulation.
  • nature of aldosterone.
    Mechanism of action of steroid hormones.

    Conn's syndrome.
    Effect of hypokalemia on heart.

    Composition of semen.
    Role of prostatic gland in semen secretion.
    PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen. Given in Ganong)

    Impedence matching.
    Besta luck
    Minor Viva:
    How do we perform experiment to study sucessive stimulus effect on sk muscle....

    External:5th cranial nerve konsi? Nature? Atrophy supra nuclear lesion or infra(she said nuclear lesion me)infra in case of spinal nerves? Path of corneal reflex, hypertrophy give example?

  • Minor: astigmatism, keratoconus, its treatment, ovarian cycle (in detail, which you never expect -_-)
  • keratoconus kya hota? Cornea ka curvature is defective... we treat it with a contact lens... guyton me likha hua he ye...
  •  External is a methodical woman. When you tell her the Preovulatory stage of ovarian cycle, describe all the details with precision like antrum development, stigma formation, etc etc... otherwise she will haunt you if you jump upto graffian follicle at once... That's the story.
     External: Aldosterone most potent stimulator, Blood Testes barrier function, vol of ejaculate, sperm count and fertility, Types of refraction errors, steroid hormone mechanism, Aldosterone mechanism

    Internal: Synapse, Properties of synapse, sleep, sleep waves, receptor potential and adaptation

  • What is ketchup growth?

    What is PSA?
    Why don't our eyes adapt while seeing everything all day?
    Endometrium thickness (when she says she has read 4-7mm, don't tell her yiu have read 4-6mm)
    Cryptorchidism and the hormone whose deficiency causes it? (Testosterone in fetal life)
    Scrotum ka temperature? (When she says 32 degree, say Yes. Don't tell her its 35 degree written in the book)
    Rennes test
    Weber test
    Three points how to detect loudness of sound

    ^ye viva me pooch rhi thin
    I heard when there is congenital deficiency of minerals in bones or malnutrition, then the recovery from this condition during growth is called catch up growth.
    I heard this from someone. Kindly correct if someone is sure.
  •  if adequate nutrition follows period of malnutrition- increased growth rate above normal is observed- that is it
  • temperature regulating centers of hypothalamus. What is the temperature of human body. Anti-fall temperature center. She's never satisfied with the kymograms the lab people provide.

    Minor practical: 3rd, 4th, 6th Cranial nerves. How to test trochlear nerve. effect of its lesion on eye.
    d Internal : Creatinism, functions of internal year, functions of vestibular system, 2nd messenger mechanism, cAMP , errors of refraction
  • Internal: wavelengths of red, green, blue colours... protanamoly...
    Ischihara chart and its importance...

    External: hearing tests, rinnes reduced positive, in which condition does it happen (partial nerve damage)
    Air conduction to bone conduction ratio= 2:1
    do not tell her that in Renne's reduced positive, the air to bone conduction remains "consistent"... because she says she has read the word "same" in her books... and she will stare you to embarrassment, if not death, if you use any term that's alien to her.... not even routine english synonyms.
    what is nodal point?
  • Major Viva:
    EXTERNAL》 Name Specialized Motor Areas Of Cortex,Which Centres Lie In Premotor Cortex,Word Deafness, Na Absorption In Colon Active/Passive? Functions Of Colon, Composition Of Pancreatic Secretions, Role Of HCO3-,

    INTERNAL》Hormones Of Placenta, Functions Of Middle Ear, Impedence Matching, Acromegaly.
  • major practical... what are hearing tests without using tuning fork...also other than voice test and audiometry...

  •  external...what is catch-up growth..
     fundoscopy cl ghai mn nai e ye kahan se krna he
  • Int: fuctions of large intestine, rate of impulses in it, caudate and putamen circuit, motor neurons and their mechanism of action
     internl= stroke,types of stroke,properties of synapses,peristalsis,migratory motor complex
    externl= functions of somatostatin,vestibular apparatus,functions of placenta


  1. very detail input. Seems covered entire curriculum. Statistically anything can be asked at random, would it not confuse more if something is asked outside this.


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