Survival Tips for Freshmen!

Tips for survival for freshmen

Aimen Saeed (ex-1st year)

So you guys made it to the Den of Kings and Queens
The cream of the cream of the cream, fudge brownie, ice cream sundae with cherry on the top (and whatever mouthwatering praises u wanna add in)  =P

But let me tell, you reaching here is not the big IT, because now begins the life that’s  going to mark your world. You've been studying your entire life and now starts the life that's going to make memories that you'll cherish forever....
So fasten your seat belts, juniors, as it's gonna be a bumpy ride but it depends on u how u take it. Here are some  survival tips for so called "Cool" University-life!

First thing’s first...

You've got to become 'BISTI-PROOF'  
 yeah you read it right :D,  because there won’t be any pampering or spoon-feeding teachers here like those back in your college. The Professors here don’t know which board did u top or how much u scored in MCAT. So if u undergo a phenomenon called “bisti-ness” either alone or in front of whole class you better enjoy it instead of grieving over it. Share it with your friends. laugh over it. This BISTI of yours will make u smile throughout your life. *Stories to tell to your juniors. ;)*

KEEP YOUR EGO AT HOME                                            
 OK! you think that you've got it all, well kiddo hold your horses because you might face nerds of THE nerds here.... I mean seriously “big Theetas” the ones who study 24/7. oh yes... they do seem alien. They study for marks and will do anything for it. I mean *literally sacrifice their sleep for it* but no worries you need to learn that here You got to keep your expectations lower than before because "Ola !! thisss iss un-i-versity kid " and studying for scores is a bad idea. Here u need to learn to study for yourself. So it really doesn't matter if u don't score good or even fail the test though you studied it. * the truth is u never go above 60% and they call u Einstein!!*


Because the less you worry the cooler your life is. So don’t worry if u fall asleep in an important lecture (p.s the lecture only feels important when you do fall asleep) or bunked a few lectures (WHISPERS: mind it dactar sahb proxy scene can b taken under consideration) plan unplanned outings or sit idle in Piccadilly but yes keep studies also beside you or pray for a miracle to pass the tests but seriously at the end “Proff may sb ko utna hi prhna prhta hay and it doesn’t effect your internal assessment hell of a deal)

You might want to skip your test (naah just kidding) but u don’t wanna skip the K.E events. Okay atleast not in 1st year. They help u give an excuse from your studies and * later on you get to brag about being a Kemcolian* ;)

This is NOT taken from internet, Actually live from PATIALA Ground KEMU ;) !

Societies help you explore your talent , build  confidence in you and help to interact with seniors so that you learn to become a better organizer.
*Plus u get to attend annual dinner at the end* :p


You have a chance to explore Lahore, enjoy multiple outings, taste variety of foods on Mall road, MM Alam, food street and beyond because as they say “lhore lhore hay”
Movie nights is another perk of being a hostellite. Especially after test season there is bliss of happiness around every corner of hostel.

You can study alone but group studies help you a lot. It helps u grasp stuff quicker and also clear out your concepts.  Lectures seem French in the beginning but you'll be able to understand 'em gradually.

U might wanna make notes if u feel like …. It helps you “from falling asleep”
But you got to make sure that you have time to go through them in tests (which will be a miracle)!

They are part of existence of this world so ignore them totally because you have to analyze your own selves and NOT compare yourself with anyone else. In med-life u got to compete with your own self. THORA PARHO BESHAK BUT ACHA PARHO.  Search the internet or discuss it even with seniors. And you’d do great.

THEETAS can be like severe headache if u let 'em get to your nerves. They'll do anything to prove their point. They'll hum around in D.H, hover over the cadavers making their own anatomy. Especially during spotting. So the best way to survive is to leave them to their bigotry because they have their own wisdomee..... ;)

I know studies are hard but you cannot ignore your religion for it. Observe Salah. Pray to Allah to ease out any difficulty you face. And He’ll smooth out every tangle in your life.



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