2nd Year Anatomy Viva Questions Major and Minor 2014

For anatomy viva : KEEP YOUR HEAD CLEAR before entering the room . Both examiners start with basic questions but catch you where you mention some key word. ye aur kahan hota hai? hota hai ya nahi , yes or no. embryological basis ? derived from which layer of embryonic disc? which day/week? is tarhan ke rapid fire questions. so its important to have all senses intact , eyes and ears open.
plus both like to diversify questions, they make sure the vivas aren't predominately from one or two main chapters. so don't leave any chapter completely. 

*Division is variable.
(Sir Sohail from Sheikh Zaid, Lahore)
*Head & Neck+Pelvis+Histology
.mandible attachments, ossification
.mentl foramen, its contents
.axis vertebra, atlantoaxial joint,its type, movements,
.post 3rd of tongue nerve supply, circumvellte papilla nerve supply, reason
.mandibular nerve sensory distribution,
.dfrnce b/w true n false vocal cords...their difference of colour in living
norma basalis, structures passing thru its various foramina.. pterygoid plates kis bone ka part hain? 
.level of division of aorta
.ovray, bld supply, lymphatic dr, its carcinoma spread,ovarian fossa
.pelvis dfrnc among males n females...
.diametres of pelvis..their dfrc. in male female
.attachments on sacrum
.sir k pas specimen the..un pe spotting krwai..e.g specimen of larynx, pelvis wd bladder, uterus, nd iliac vessels intact
ligaments of ovary .. contenys of mesoovarium
:pelvis ,pelvic outlet boundaries ,subpubic angle in males n females,pelvic outlet difrnc in males n females,features of gynecoid pelvic outlet ,imp of ischial spine in it ,anatomical pos of uterus in standing females,main support of uterus,uterus parts,lymphatic drainage of cervix,which fornix is largest and its imp,part of pharynx,muscles of pharynx,contents of oropharynx,difrnc btw oropharyngeal isthamus n pharyngeal isthamus , pathway of gag reflex.
First impression me khaufnak lagte han but ache ha kafi lamba viva lete ha...linked viva hta ap ki apni kahi hui bat par phansa dete ha... He asked me to pick mandible nd mark its attachments ... Phr ek do suni nd superior constricter se pharynx par lay gay waha se ciricopharangeus nd phr ciricothyroid par.. Uski nerve supply pochi.piriform fossa ki boundaries contents importance .. Uterine tube k parts nd uski blood supply..wo question repeat ni krte.. Bladder urethra pelvimetry bohat pasand unhe . Female reproductive organs sab se sune .. Skull superficial si suni srf foraminas nd uske contents.. Cervical vertebra sune...bech me phansa dete ha ya kafi ajeeb o gareeb se question pochte agar na aye to hint dete warna next question pochte hai... Models woi the jo spotting me the nd testis nd uterus paray the sr pass nd sr wo ithwa rahe the
Normal occipitalis on skull , pterion its clinical imp , asterion , bregma , lamba , atttachments on sup nuchal lines , external occipital protrubrance attachments on it , highest nuchal lines attachments , parts of frontal sinus its shap and its nerve supply , supra orbital branch of which nerve , DNS , conchae , base of maxillary sinus its opening , bones forming nasal septum ,clinical imp of nasal septum , arteries forming anastomosis at littles area , ischioanal fossa boundaries , nerve present in ischioanal fossa , inf rectal nerve is branch of which nerve
 sacrum and its attachments, sacral hiatus, structures passing, structures passing through sacral canal, what's filum terminale, attached where, skull pay foramen rotendum dikhao , where does it open, pterygopalatine fossa k contents, ganglion k connections, frey syndrome, nasopharynx, auditory tube , contents of middle ear, nerve suplly nd action of stapedius, sup cervical ganglion, stellate ganglion.Mandible ki attachments. Lip k elevators. Blowing ka muscle. Whistling ka muscle. Facial nerve ki branches. Hybrid muscle of neck. Inguinal canal k contents uski clinical importance. Round ligament od uterus ki attachment. Seminal vesicle ki position. Hypogastric plexus formation.
 posterior cranial fossa boundaries.contents of foramen lacerum,carotid canal,hypoglossal canal,jugular foramen,sigmoid sinus,upper and lower teeth sensory supply,relation of mandibular to tongue,ossification of vault and base of skull,testis side determination,spermatic cord contents,pampiniform plexus,where does cancer of testis metastize,hydrocoele
 Sir ko pelvimetry n uterus pasand in pelvis
Mjse he asked pouches related to rectum in males n females
Anterior cranial fossa, uski boundaries, foramina
Optic canal, contents, jahan nerve eyeball ko pierce krti wou kia? Uski
position, wahan blind spot ku bnta whts macula uski position
Iske ilawa sir ne sacrum, vertebrae, articulated pelvis n skull sath rakhay otay
Markings kratayvertebrae the, skull tha,mandible thi,articulated pelvis tha..axis mili..ligaments ki attachment..joints..unki types..movements..vertebral column ki nerve supply..cervical curvature,primary curvature hae ya secondary
testis ka specimen uthwaya..spermatic cord k contents,layers,testicular artery kis ki branch hae,pampinifoem plexus kaha drain krta hae,hydrocele 
 post cranial fossa, imp of internal occipital protuberance, comes to sinuses, facial muscles nerve supply, elevators of lip, muscles of external nose, orchitis, anostamses of testicular and cremesteric arteries, contents of spermatic cord, nerve supply of ureter, significanc of pectinate line, boundaries of ovarian fossa.
 sacrum chalking..piriformis nerve supply... testis side determination..testicular artery.. ductus deferens... spermatic cord contents... tunica vaginalis.. complications related to inguinal canal
pudendal nerve block...epidural anaesthesia.. contents of sacral hiatus...filum terminale... coverings of testis
 Norma basalis, contents of pterygomaxillary fissure, palate, pterygoid hammulus, anteversion and retroflexion of uterus, clinical importance of cervix, complete cavernous sinus. norma occipitalis , middle cranial fossa , contents of juglar foramen , nerve supply of tongue muscles ... why palatoglossus is not supplied by hypoglosal nerve , ischiorectal fossa , structures supplied by inf rectal nerve , importance of pectineal line in anal canal , bed of palatine tonsil , what is quinsy ....norma lateralis n larynx pe table spotting
Lacrimal apparatus
Styloid apparatus
Pharynx k muscles n nerve supply. Rectum n anal canal blood supply nerve supply>floor of pelvis; its muscle attachments on articulated pelvis; nerve supply of these muscles; most imp. conjugate; why it is imp; pudendal canal and pudendal nerve block;
> Phyranx; Muscle coats; phyrangobasilar fascia; nerve supply; Styloid Appratus; Hybrid Muscles of Neck; y their are supplied so... Larynx: abductors and tensors; their nerve supply;
In General; Viva is very easy & Superficial; but u should b able to link the topic with its clinical significance..
C2 n attachments,vertebral artery,basilar artery n branches, circle of villus, lateral wall of nose,why maxillary sinus is difficult to drain, testis ki side determination, spermatic cord n contents, phr hydroceole se kuch ajeeb sawal nikale e.g pan hydroceole, football k size jitna ho tou kya hta  indirect inguinal hernia. 
 Attatchments on Mandible, contents of mandibular & mental foramen, nerve suply of TMJ, lymphatic drainage of tongue, location of seminal vesicles & blood supply, atonic bladder, middle cranial fossa,foramen rotundum,maxillary nerve,infraorbital nerve,pterygopalatine ganglia,preganglionic postganglionic, supply,urinary bladdr,apex,base,urachus
Contents of carotid triangle, atlas, pharyngeal muscles, pharyngeal plexus formation, rotation at atlantoaxial joint, prostate, lobes of prostate, carcinoma of prostate, age changes of prostate and its nerve supply Mandible ka ramus pr attachments, joints formed, type of joint,movements.. protrusion by which muscle... extrinsic muscles of nose, their nerve supply.. facial nerve ka extra cranial course. supra n infranuclear lesions.. their effect..uterus ki supports.. main knsi.. true knsi, false knsi..sacrum,ala ki attachmnts,sacral canal,contents,cauda equina,sacrum ki method of osification,larnys ka modal,velacula,contents,piriform fossa,contents,damage to intrnal laryngeal nerve, tensr of larynx,is ki nerv supply r leison ka efect,laryngeal edema,kis jgah p fluid jma ho ga,nichy qw ni jata,
female k peritoneal pouches,pouch of doglas ki imporatance, pus drain kidr sy krty,vagina ki kon c wali long ho ti,fornix kon sa bra hota, nervr suply of cervix,pectinate line ki importance, r superior rectal NERVE kis ki brach ha
 sacrum, sacral hiatus contents. Filum terminale. Dural relations of sacrum. Ganglion impar. Specimen of posterior aspect of larynx. Piriform fossa and it's Contents. Arterial and venous drainage of ovary. Chocolate cyst of ovary. Blood supply of larynx. Lymphatic drainage of posterior 1/3rd of tongue. 
 c7 vertebra, attachments of uncinate process, special name for vertebra, curvature of cervical part, is it primary or secondary, extra ocular muscles, nerve supply, occulomotor nerve, its division, muscle supplied by each division, strabismus , causes, other name for it, sigmoid colon, its mesentary, attachments of mesentery , blood supply, nerve supply, parasympathetic ki root values, parts of male urethra, most delicate part, extravasation of urine, how it is prevented Mark the boundaries of post cranial fossa, its features, impression for sinuses, emissary veins,dangerous area of scalp, sigmoid sinus, its termination, contents of jugular foramen, diff between diploic n emissary veins, vagoaccessory complex its formation , which muscle not supplied by it n why (embyological reason), uriinary bladder, its supports. median umblical ligament and its attatchments, atonic bladder, nerve supply of sphincter vesicae (thts all i remember till now)  
sacrum chalking , contents of sacral hiatus , bladder shape and relations, peritoneal reflections on bladder in female , lateral wall of nose ki nerve supply , what opens in the various meatuses  Atlas chalking. Atlantoaxial joints. No. Type. Movement. Nodding movement at which joint? Hanging mechanism.
Infratemporal fossa contents. Mandibular nerve branches and supply. Lingual nerve n chorda tympani supply.
Boundaries of ischioanal fossa. Contents of pudendal canal. norma frontalis ,ovarian fossa boundaries,male n female pelvis,submandibular gland nerve supply chalking of lat wall of pelcic cavity,pelvic inlet,cnjugates,value of diagonal cnjugate,pelvic male ya female? Male pelvis ko kya kehte? Prostate? Prostate k zones? Carcinoma n kya isko blood me kisi enzyme se detect kr skte? Scalp ki layerz? Why wounds of scalp bleed profusly? Black eye?

norma basalis, pterygoid canal, mumps, perineal body, submandibular gland, submandibular ganglion  Describe features of atlas vertebra, what passes through foramen transversarium and foramen magnum, vertebral artery course, medial wall of nose, clinical significance, Cervix nerve, lymphatic and blood supply, where does cervical cancer metastasize, prolapse of uterus. Mandible pay chalking. Incisive fossa men konsay muscles mark kiye huen hain. Pharynx ka konsa muscles mandible say linked hy..kahan attach ho raha hy.pharynx ki nerve supply .mechanism of speech.content of sella turtica.which nerves are present in lateral wall of cavernous sinus. What is dangerous area of face.cavernous sinus thrombosis.pathway of spread.seminal vesicles ki nerve supply..root value of perineal nerve.its course.branches.it is component of which fascial sheath? 
Base of bladder kay peritoneal relations.contents of spermatic cord . coverings of scrotum and testis.from which Ganglia inferior hypogastric plexus is receving its sympathetic supply.what are its branches..what is dacrocystitis and epiphora?  C7 vertebra, its parts, attachments, soft palate muscles and its nerve supply, hard palate and its nerve supply, prostate position, zones, blood supply, facial paralysis.  atlas, its joints, lateral wall of nose, nerve supply of cornea, corneal reflex, light reflex, argyl robertson pupil, prostate, position of bladder in infants, its significance.
Chalking of C2 Axis Vertebra. It's parts? It's ossification? Which one to fuse first, the centrum or the neural arches? Joints formed? Palatine Tonsil? Nerve Supply? Arterial Supply? Complication? (Quinsy not adenoids)

Uterus Peritoneal reflections? Arterial Supply? Uterine Artery a branch of? Anteversion? (Sir loves to ask anteversion, anteflection and retroflection) Sir asks simple superficial questions but asks over a wide range of topics.
Asks attachments and joints of articulated pelvis, mandible, all the cervical vertebrae and skull.

Middle Ear Cavity, Parts and Nerve Supply of Tympanic Membrane, Cervical Plexus, Intrinsic Muscles of Eye and their nerve supplies. Nerve supply of maxillary sinus. Which tooth extraction creates a fistula in maxillary sinus?
True conjugate,Pelvic diameters,differences,sacrum,sacral foramina,spermatic cord contents,coverings,larynx sensory suppky,tensor of vocal cord pls its supply,diff of larnynx in male.and female
 Norma frontalis, floor of mouth k muscle, ludwig angina, pectinate line, piles: Mandible chalking, ossification. Which is the first bone to complete its ossification (Surpriseee; Its not clavicle. He said ghar me ja k dekhna) Uterus parts, peritoneal relations, which peritoneal.pouch is larger one, angle of anteversion anteflexion, retroverted uterus, TMJ ki cavities and movements.
Norma frontalis k features, infraorbital n, facial k supra n infranuclear lesions, LPS and ptosis, Prostate ki nerve n blood supply. norma lateralis. Mastoid process( differnce b/w adult nd newborn). Muscles attached here. Sternocleidomastoid nerve supply nd action. Abnormality. Torticolis common in. Middle ear cntents nd nerve supply of muscles. Rectum blood nd nerve supply  atlas chalking..... Features...Attachments.. Atlantocciptal n atlantoaxial joints ..types.. Articular surfaces .. Ligaments.. Nerve supply.. Movements.... 1st cervical nerve kha se emerge karte.... Urinary bladder features... Capacity...Micturition reflex.. Whether sympathetic or parasympathetic .. Nerves involved .. How nerve erigentes r formed .. Types of hypogastric plexuses .. How inferior is formed..  Mandible, Function of masseter, Mandibular nerve and branches, tongue, lingual artery, prostrate, lobes blood supply   C7 identification, attachments, contents of Ft, Y VA not a content,Rectum blood supply, point of change to systemic, superior oblique supply action, y it has this action, piles classification, cirrhosis.   Norma lateralis, pterion, asterion , fantanelles, bell's palsy choclate cyst, ovary peritoneal relations and lgaments and blood supply, lesions of facial nerve  sacram chalking, sacral hiatus, contents of sacral foramina, filum terminale ka termination level, pudendal nerve branches arising in pudendal canal, pudendal block, y done? Spotting of vocal fold on specimen, what is laryngeal ventricle? What is it's function? Nerve Supply of subglottal part of larynx? Surgery in which recurrent laryngeal may b damaged? Constrictors of larynx? What happens to vocal cords if recurrent laryngeal damaged?  atlas vertebra , attachments , atlantooccipital joint, its type, nerve supply, movemnts k axis, movements kur k dikhao, C1 kahan say pass kerti. total kitni cervival spinal nerves hoti? cervical plexus? ansa cervicalis? vagoaccesory? where does it supply?? contents of carotid sheath? uterus ki position larynx nerve supply , norma verticalis , uterus b-supply , hypogastric plexus kitne hotay l:Skull middle cranial fossa ..boundaries..petrous part of temp.bone ma ear ossicles se almost every thing of inner ear..pharynx..urethra..male female difference
  norma frontalis, muscle of anger : procerus , muscle of whistling : orbicularis, muscle of blowing : buccinator. occipitofrontalis ki nerve supply. uterus ki normal postion : anteverted and anteflexed. agr ye ulat hojaen to kia kehte? retroverted and retroflexed. vagina k fornix kitne hote hain? 4 hote. anterior posterior aur 2 lateral. sb se bara fornix kon sa : posterior. significance : pouch of douglous se drainage. Normally wahan hota koi fluid: no. uterus k peritoneal pouch : uterovesical and uterorectal. HVS kia hota hai? bs is pe seeti gum hogae. sir ne kaha high vaginal swab. andheray main teer lgatay hue main ne kaha k sir vagina se cotton pe smear lain ge aur usy examine kren ge. sir ne kaha kia chez examine krne k liye. i said mucosa. he said microorganisms k liye krte hain unko culture kratay hain phr lab main. and that was it.   acrum features . medial sacral crest pe kiya lagta filum terminale kaha end hota. dura matter kaha pe edd hota prolapse of uterus lumbosacral trunk..
internal carotid artey jugular venous pressure., carotid sheath contents.  orma verticalis,bregma, lamda,nasion,metopic suture, vertex ki bones kis method se derive hoti aur base ki bone kis method se, skull main wo kaun se bones hain jo intramembranous aur intracartilagenous method dono se derive hoti hon? Styloid process kis bone ka part hai, styloid apparatus, stylopharyngeus ki nerve supply, cricopharyngeus kis ka part hai aur is ki importance, base of bladder kahan hoti, neck of bladder k level pr kya hota, ureter ka sphincter hota hai k nae?, agar urinary blaader urine se full ho jae to wo ureter main kyun enter nae ho ga?  mandible attachments ligaments tubercles TMJ joint nerve supply sensory supply of CN V nerve supply of tongue sigmoid sinus its mesentry contents portosys anastomosis piles causes types diagnosis etc

Maam Rafea 
.anatomical pztn, side determination,peritonial relations of visceras...kidney,spleen,liver,testes etc
.viva based on models n specimen... n whatever u say becomes the source of nxt ques..
.iliohypogasrtic nerve muscular supply
.cranial nerve nuclei at diffrnt levels..
.spotting on specimen...in one model, there wr optic nrv, post horn of lat. venticle..so she asked its boundaries
.cerebellum... its affrnts via pons come from...?
.function of mesencephalic nucleus
.IVC development
.ri8 atrium dvlpmnt
.spleen dvlpmnt
.again ques frm models
structures derived from 2nd arch, cervical sinus pelvis ,pelvic outlet boundaries ,subpubic angle in males n females,pelvic outlet difrnc in males n females,features of gynecoid pelvic outlet ,imp of ischial spine in it ,anatomical pos of uterus in standing females,main support of uterus,uterus parts,lymphatic drainage of cervix,which fornix is largest and its imp,part of pharynx,muscles of pharynx,contents of oropharynx,difrnc btw oropharyngeal isthamus n pharyngeal isthamus , pathway of gag reflex.development of pituitary gland Neuro me brain ka specimen diya nd medial surface k gyri sulci identify krne ko kaha cingulate sulcis ki importance cingulum ki importance blood supply of callosal gyri iski veinous drainage iski vein mil kr kiya bnati great cerebral vein ka dosra nam 
Abdomin se epiploic foramen ki boundaries caudate process ki spotting krai phr liver k bare areas sune ..... Mam questions repeat kr ri thi i was among last roll nos nd almost sare questions repeat hue the.. Neuro me mam ne sare last yr wale questions poche wo ache se kr lena ...
Embryo kay models se related questions kr ri thi kidney ka gross structure nd embryology mam ne bohat pocha.  Kidney + IVC wala specimen ,identification of inf mesenteric artery , kidney coverings ,which layer of fat around kidney is lost due to dieting and what happens after it , retroperitoneal organs why appendix is not retroperitoneal while ascending colon is retroperitoneal , development of appendix, rotation of caecum , superolateral surface of brain , sulci ,gyri , parts of lateral sulcus , which artery lies in lateral sulcus , branch of which artery, further branches of int carotid artery , blood supply of duodenum , branches of sup mesenteric artery   Brain ka saggital section pkrwaya us pe sensory areas mark krwae phr unki blood supply puche. Spleen pkrwae uski anatomical position puchi uski venous drainage phr portal venous system. Portosystemic anastomosis ki sites. Patent ductus venosus ka incidence. Embryo me se liver ki development. Septum tranversum ka extent. liver uthwaya, its anatomical position, peritoneal reflections, blood supply of gall bladder. Then spleen pakrai, anatomical position and how do u know sup border konsa etc, why is sup border lobulated (embryological reason) , wahan se development of spleen pay aa gain. Time of development, from which germ layer develops etc. 
Neuro ma cerebellum.pakraya, anatomical position, fibres passing through mid peduncle. Functions of cerebellum. Pontine fibres pons ma kahan se atay, cranial nerve nuclei present at the level of pons.
kidney side determination,anterior relations,right adrenal gland shape plus blood supply,retroperitoneal structures,aorta branches,coeliac trunk branches, urinary bladder development,derivatives of paramesonephric ducts and tubules,inferior cerebellar peduncle fibres,olives location,4th ventricle,choroid plexus of 4th ventricle   ..embryo k models the(mainly kemunited walay) un ko explain krne ka kehti thee r us se related ek 2 question..unhe weeks sunna bht pasand hen k konsi cheez konse week me ho rai..r anomalies k incidence b..mje urorectal septum ka model aya tha to us se related anal canal ki development,cloacal opening kis week me hoti,imperforated cloaca
neuro me cerebellum ka model pkrwaya,explanation,fissures,neo cerebellum paleocerebellum
Abdomen me mje aya tha stomach-spleen ka weird specimen..5 mint use smjne me lge..r 10 mint use assemble krne me lge..kaafi uljha hua specimen tha..maam bht sukoon se viva leti hen,sochne ka full time deti hen..stomach k sath coelic trunk attached thi r us ki spleenic artery k sath spleen attached thi..spleenic vein b latak rai thi r us k sath IVC b lga hua tha..maam ne koi mushkil question nai pucha..sirf stomach k lesser curvature ki lymphatic supply r lesser omentum
 GIT ka wo model jis mn linear arrangement mn present h spleen stomach n liver...isko explain kro...development of liver..septum transversum..(derived from which germ layer)
heart develop frm which germ layer.. development of blood vessels
Spleen..relations, impressions, borders, blood supply...doudenum relations
Pons n medulla wala specimen..gross features...superior n inferior olivary nuclei n their functions   mesentry of spleen , ant and post relations of left kidney , relation of renal fascia with thoracolumber fascia , deveopment of metanephric kidney, fallot's tetrology , relations of inf horn of lateral ventrical , sections of brain .... formation of IAsepta, structures that close after birth, boundaries of lateral ventricle, caudate nucleus, damage to basal ganglia, liver and gall bladder
   development of forebrain
Development of pituitary
Cerebellum Ki blood supply n spotting n tracts
liver Ki supports n hepatic portaln biliary apparatus.  >development of spleen; its derivative germ layers; week of pancreas development;
>spleen; anatomical position in body; its ligaments; contents of its ligaments;
>medial side of brain sulci; gyri; their functions; its blood supply; cingulate gyrus specific function; connections of thalamus and their functions;
In General; your embryology viva is mostly solely from the model handed over to you; Prepare with special focus on Week of Developments & Derivatives..  Boundaries of body of Lat. Ventricle, posterior relations of head of pancres, development of Thyroid gland & auditory pathway. Midgut loop rotation, dorsal and ventral mesogastrium, basilar artery and its branches, nuclei at the level of pons, inguinal canal and its boundaries, rectus sheath and its muscular content, position of appendix  UG ka model.. stomach ki rotation, kidney ka specimen.. n usi sa related viva... retroperitoneal organs
•Neuro: cerebellum, superior cerebellar peduncle( afferent n efferent fibers)  hind gut ka modal xplain + devlpmnt of spinal cord
bare areas of liver, ligamntm teres ki xtent,falciform lig r lig teres ka relation brain ka segittal section coliculi ka level, sup coliculus ka function  Development of Trachea. Tracheo esophageal fistula. Which type most common.
Cerebellum specimen. Lobes and fissures. Choroid plexus of 4th ventricle. Artery which forms this choroid plexus. PICA is a branch of? PICA syndrome. Areas involved in Lateral medullary syndrome. Blood supply of lungs. Percentage of blood supplied by hepatic artery and portal vein. Difference in the blood of portal vein and hepatic artery. Cysterna chyli.  urorectal septum wala model, in adult where can you identify the region of cloacal membrane, section of brain , function of inf collicullus, identify (splenium), structures passing through diaphragm, openings in it , level of formation of thoracic duct, bare areas of liver, mark on the specimen, blood supply of gall bladder  model of developing liver, stomach n spleen with the mesentriies attetched showing rotation of stomach was given, identify structures, ventral meso n doral mesogastrium, development of spleen from which germ layer, stages of development of lung. Abdomen: stomach was told to be picked up, lymphatic drainage of lesser curvature, coelic trunk, branch of what, other ventral branches of abd aorta. Neuro: cerebellum, identification of sup surface, cerebellar dysfunctions  embryo viva : TE fistula , congenital pyloric stenosis 
major : gross differences between ileum and jejenum (do not mention peyers patches in this , if you do, you should know the gross indication of presence of Peyers patches )
pick up liver, mark duodenal impression .
neuro : what's dentate gyrus , particular function of amygdaloid nucleus , boundaries of inferior horn of lateral ventricle , papez circuit
 stomach ka specimen,lesser omentum,epiloic foramen content,red nucleus,internal capsule,genital ridge liver anatomical position? Gall bladder uski peritoneum? Intraperitoneal ya extraperitoneal? Hartman pouch? Gall stone cystic duct se slip kre to kahan jae ga? Bile duct opening? Duodenum k secind part ki blood supply?midbrain level pe cranail nerve nuclei? Superior colliculus kya hota kya role uska damage ho to kya hoga? Cerebellum ki development? Pronephros n mesonephroa kb bnte n kahan bnte? indifferent gonadal development , pancreas blood suply, basal ganglia structure, connections and functions, branches of splenic artery Embryo model of GIT, describe it, epithelium of bladder develops from which germ layer. Neuro : LAteral surface of brain, describe all the motor areas on it. Abdomen : Spleen, anatomical position, impressions, contents of stomach bed. Spleen's anatomical position. Features; borders and impressions. 
Hilum kay contents.tail of pancrease wd its blood supply.splenic artery kiski branch hy..coeliac ki further branches.area of supply of left gastric artery. Which peritoneal fold is attached to lesser curvature.stomach kay ilawa ye r kahan attached hy..porta hepatis..free edge of lesser omentum. Epiploic foramen. Duodenum kay 3rd part kay relations..kidney kay capsules . floating kidney.
Cerebrum uthwaya..lateral ventricle ki boundaries. Thalamus ka function. Olfactory traft q relay nai kar raha yahan..primary olfactory cortex kis surface of brain pay hota hy r kia hota hy?
development of limbs . development of vertebral column.how intervertebral discs are formed.anamolies of its development.which is most common septal defect of heart.explain it..
thats all..   Model showing development of interatrial and interventricular septum and septum primum in the left ventricle. Asked to identify structures and then the development of the interatrial septum. Role of endocardial cushions? Germ layers contributing to endocardial cushions?

Parts of internal capsule? Fibres passing through them? Auditory Pathway?

Relations of 2nd part of duodenum. Location of opening of bile duct? Superior and Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal Arteries branches of?  Ma'am has a few models of UG (the ones showing partioning of cloaca), eye, CVS (septal development) and GIT (structures developing in dorsal and ventral mesogastrium). Asks questions related to them. Also development of vertebral column, pituitary, forebrain, thyroid, tongue.

Spleen, Liver, Duodenum, Stomach, Pancreas very very important.  Palat develpmnt,greater omentum,ventral mesentery derivatives,gall bladder blood supply,hartman's pouch,pons me nerve nuclei,cochlear pthway   Ventricular septal formation n us k defects, brain ka section she asked to explain. thalamus ka tha section. and stomach ki anatomical postion uski supply celiac trunk branches  Spleen.anatomical pos, which part of greter curvature of stomach forms gstric impresion, pancreas ki blood suply, splenic art, Red nucleus k connection, Mid brain.me or konse fibres decussate krte. Developmemt of Diaphragm, Most common cardiac anomly, PDA, foramen ovale k close hone ka precise time.  Embryo mai palate ki formation. Cleft lip zyada common ya palate? Lower lip ma cleft hoga? Neuro ma basal ganglia k connections. Abdomen mai transverse meso ki attachment, phir unhn ne greater omentum aur transverse meso k relation pe phansaya...  develpmnt of liver..kupfer cell origin.. Retroperitoneal organz .. Positiomz of appendix.. Cerebellar nuclei .. Inf cerebeller pedncl contents .. Nuclei in medulla  medial surface of cerebral hemisphere.. Features .. Anterior cerebral artery... Visual area... Liver specimen.. Bare areas.. Y called bare area.. To which part of diaphragm is attached ... Diaphragm development.. Eventration of diaphragm ..  Internal: stomach and spleen with peritoneal relations, Nerve supply, blood supply, pharyngeal arch derivatives, cerebellar nuclei and tracts, function of fastigial nucleus  model aorticopulmonary septum, persistent TA, cause, relations of 4 th part of duodenum, basal ganglia, inhibitory neurtransmitter of BG, liver specimen pe explain epiploic foramen ki position  Internal : stomach, curvatures k attachment and their contents, branches of celiac trunk, portal vein, brain sagittal section ki spotting, embryonic heart, septa formation, most common cardiac anomaly.,  embryonic heart model, how heart is developed? Embryonic venous system. Name nuclei at level of superior colliculus, functions of red nucleus, relations of 2nd part of duodenum, Morrison's pouch and it's importance? Stomach ka specimen.. Position Lesser omentum attachmnts,,Lesser sac k contents.. Liver ki developmnt... kuffer cells and sinusoids kahan se bntay... Midbrain pe all nuclei.. Basal ganglia...  liver bare areas , epiploic foramen relation to liver , embryo heart septation model ka brief overview plus endocard cushions , neuro mein red nucleus  Heart septation model, what is the opening in sinus venosus called, IV septum development, most common cardiac anomaly, types of atrial septal defects.
Liver in AP, which part of stomach makes the impression, contents of lesser omentum, position of bile duct's formation.
Midbrain nuclei, function of mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve  :Liver anatomical position..ligaments,dudonem which part intaperitonial..blood supply of 3rd part.. neuro..cerebellum and brainstem anatomical pos..boundaries of body of lateral ventricles..which ventricle bw brain stem and cerebellum..thalamus nuclei names..embryo developent of gall bladder..week.etc..   : 6th herniation wala model jo stand pe lga hota. mam will ask kia kia nzr aya.. aur wait kren gi k kb aap cecal bud, omphaloenteric duct, pancreatic bud, liver bud, in main se kis ka naam lete. phr usi k baray main poochain gi. kb bnta, kahan jata. phr neuro ka specimen. ziada wo cerebellum,pons ya hemisphere ka section deti hain. us main kia kia nzr aya. phr jo jo naam liye un main kisi pe sawal shuru. mjh se ventricle ka pocha. phr blood supply poochi medial surface of brain ki. abdomen main se small and large intestine k differences.  Heart model, Brain uthao parts kaun se nazar a rahe, parietooccipital aur calcarine sulcus ka pucha, calcarine sulcus main kaun se area hota, primary aur secondary visual association areas main kya farq hota, visual cortex ki blood supply, agar ap ko posterior cerebral artery dhundani ho to asani se kahan mile ge brain pe, stomach uthao parts btao, lesser curvature pe peritoneum hoti k nae, gastrohepatic ligament k contents, left gastric artery kis ki branch hai, ceoliac trunk ki branches, ceoliac plexus kya hota?   development of gallbladder.... kidney identifition features.medial side of hemisphere ka model  Mam Rafia: ligaments of liver anatomical position ductus venosus and arteriosus medial section of brain lateral ventricle boundaries of posterior horn uterus development fate of paramesonephric ducts in male & its reason 

-Identification of 10 slides. Practice all slides at different resolutions because the resolution they show in revision might not necessarily be the one in exam.
-Major Slide: Identify, draw and label. Wait for viva. Discuss/prepare viva of your slide till then
 Bladder Major slide: Kesey identify kia. Muscle layer kesi? Kia mtlb Spiral arrangement? Kitni layers? Transitional epi mn top cells konsay n kaisey hotey? Functions of transtional epi?
Villi se kaisay differentiate kren ge diff parts of intestine ko? Types of cells in intestine? Columnar cells ka function ? Goblet ka func? Enteroendocrine ka func? Kon kon se hormones bnatay enteroendocrine in jejunum? Paneth cells kia hotay?

Kideny kaisay identify ki? JG apparatus kia ota? Macula densa kya ota? JG app me kon kon se cells otay? Ectraglom mesangial cells ka kya naam?
I was like 3rd ya 4th so me itnay e sunay Baqi jo i heard baad me Anus n rectum me farq? Epithelium kaha change oti? Is white line anorectal line? Enteric plexus me konse ganglia otay?
Cornea k substantia propria me kon kon si types ka collagen ota?

MAIN SLIDE UTERUS:uterus ki biopsy kaun sai phase mai karte hain? estrogen kaun sai cells par act karta hai ?MINOR SLIDES: liver, adrenal, duodenum, tongue, trachea, pinna, ovary,testis, eyeball baaki nae yaad

 Illeum .. Which structure of gut resemble it nd y .... Which special thing is present between smooth muscles of externa its significance nd its fibres...

Uterus : arterioles present in endometrium , special feature of spiral arterioles , endometrium in secretory phase n late secretory phase ,last q was hmesha adventitia hi hota uterus mein ?  .

Cornea..bowman membrane,dessemet membrane ka structure..collagen ki type..avascularity..medical importance (can be grafted from one peson to other) 

 Major slide duodenum...it is the slide of which part of duodenum initial part or lower part? Differertiatrd by absence and presence of serosa, lacteal, lining of lacteal, its functions, Brunner's gland are of which variety, what type of secretions they produce, composition of it, any other organ in which there are glands in sub mucosa, factors which increase the surface area, crypts of leiberkuhns, are plicae circularis permanent or temporary circular folds, name any organ in GIT in which there are permanent longitudinal folds. 

.kidney..histological df b/w affrnt n effrnt arteriole...renal papilla...lining of ducts of belini...renal portal system...contents of renal pyramid
distribution of different modalities of taste on tongue..can papillae regenerate? are there different types of taste buds for different types of taste??
white n red papillae ka difference
 Thyroid. U need to draw only thyroid part of the diagram. What is active and inactive state of thyroid...type of vasculature n special features w.r.t thyroid...function of parafollicular and oxyphil cells
LIP: characteristics of different parts of lip
Types of glands found & their difference on oral and cutaneous surfaces
EPIDIDYMIS: How is it identified. Which epithelium is found in it. Which cells are found in epithelium. What is present in the stroma. Function of epididymis.
Pancreas : kesay identify kia , islets k cells , pancreatic and parotid serous acini k difference …
 Oesophagus : how is it identified ? Which other part of GIT has glands in submucosa, what is meisners plexus, from where it gets fibers , they relay here or not , which part of gland this plexus supply , what is myenteric plexus , from where it gets fibres , its function
 Pinna : type of cartilage and glands found, are hair follicles present in external acoustic meatus, name the glands present in external acoustic meatus.
Liver : wht is cntral vein , kis typ ki hoti, sinusoids kia hoti,in ka nam kia ha, kis trah k cell hoty, ito cell kiaa hoty
major slide : duedeum 
viva : which part of duodenum is it , why ..
Major slide: Rectum. How did you identity it? Extent of goblet cells in gut, where do they start and where do they end. Columns of Morgagni
 Parotid gland ( jo k dikhaya bi nae mam ne histo pre proff session mein  but still got it right on the second attempt the first being subligual gland). N please jo bi structure aye uski minor detail first year wali bi dekh lena ek nazar, like i was asked parotid kis type ka gland ae, like merocrine, paracrine, autocrine, apocrine? N i was like :'3.
Major slide: urinary bladder
func of transitional epi. Kese identify kia..
Major Slide: ILEUM


How did you identify?
Function of Peyer's Patches
Function of M cells
How do M Cells present the antigens?
Will the epithelium superficial to lymphatic nodules contain enterocytes?
Difference between the functions of M cells and enterocytes?
Which part of the GIT contains the largest number of goblet cells?
vascular or not? why transparent, how may layers,decsemet mem kia hai?
 Sublinugal gland: kesey identify kia, konsey glands predominant, ducts konsi
Main slide : Tongue. 
Different papillae, most abundant and least abundant papillae. Glands of the tongue and their openings. Difference in ventral and dorsal surface.
Retina. Since I did it right in the second attempt he asked me abt the confusion which I had in my mind. Then he asked Int limiting memb, us me jb muler cells ka zikr kia to he asked muler cells kia hote, muler cells me jb int nuclear layer ka zikr kia to he asked int nuclear layer me or kon konse cells hote, then us me jb amacrine ka zikr ata to he asked amacrine cells kia hote. In short linked viva !
Major slide:cornea.
Layers of cornea. Substantia propria. Cells in it. Descemet membrane. Blood vessels q ni hain.
Frm where it gets nourishmnt. Endothelium cell type
major: Uterus
layers? stratum functionale ki further div? why called spongiosum? most mitosis in which phase? basal vacuolations?
oviduct.. epithlm ma ciliated k elawa koi aur cells hta (peg) un ka func... and ureter nd is ma diff
Other name for tranisitional epithelium y named so, extent, characters of superficial cells, plaque composition
 Major Trachea : Layers of trachea, types of glands, trachealis muscle
Major:tongue ,,point of identification,papilla on tongue,fungiform papilla,von ebners gland,opening of von ebners gland
 Major: Ovary, how did u identify it, structure of ovary, hormonal roles, difference between secondary n graffian follicle, stage where oocyte is in graffian follicle.
 pinna : POI , EAM mein kia histo features hongay , ceruminous glands , over production of wax k consequence , ear pinna mein cartilage kahan ni hoti?
Trachea : trachealis kia hai: smooth muscle completing C shaped cartilage posteriorly. epithelium kesi hai : pseudostratified columnar with goblet. Koi aur cell hota hai in k ilawa : Basal. Adventitia kia hai : CT with blood vessels and nerves in it.

respiratory epithelium main kulchitsky, brush, small granular etc etc bhe hote hain. wo electron microscope main nzr atay. light microscope main srf 3 he nzr atay columnar, goblet and basal. dont tell him other than these. otherwise be ready to tell him function of the cells u tell. 
Major kidney...
Viva: kidney sara parh kr jana book se 


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