King Edward Debating Society participated in the Forman Model United Nations (FORMUN) '15 held at Forman Christian College University Lahore.

For the first time in K. E history, in a MUN where there were only two honorable mentions, two outstanding diplomacies and one best delegate in every committee (each committee with an average of forty people) and the majority of the team made of first time MUNners, Team KE has won the following:

Abdullah Masood (Best Delegate DISEC) 
Ali Haider Jafry (Outstanding Diplomacy ICC) 
Amsha Ilyas (Honourable Mention UNDP) 
Arwa Anwar (Honourable Mention UNHRC) 
Rafia Kamran (Honourable Mention HP) 
Fatima Baluch (Honourable Mention SOCHUM)
Congratulations to the entire team!


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