-Romesa Qaiser Khan.

Exceptional education isn't the only thing that KEMU has to offer. Sooner or later, even the best of us fall and need a respite from the ever-grinding mill that is medicine. Not only do they lighten you up, they open alternative vistas for you to explore. They challenge you to find your talents and channel them into adding dimension to your personality along with of course, the added benefit of meeting new people constantly and interacting with your university mates. From someone who's part of most of them, here's a basic rundown.

How they work:-
As soon as final year prof gets over, the societies come out of hibernation and they'll host events throughout the year at paced intervals to break the norm. Most societies will first put up notices for recruitment that inform you of posts available and the date and timings of interviews as well as their requirements. They visit your classes to introduce themselves. As freshmen, you will obviously start at the lower rungs of the ladder but your contribution to the society and your work for it will ensure your progress through the coming years. No stress should be taken for the interviews, they're basically so that you can get to know the people behind the society and they can get to know you. Societies are like families. Choose wisely and choose well because you will have to sacrifice your time and effort to make it worthwhile. Otherwise, membership is of course open to everyone.

Who they are:-
Following are the societies you get to choose from and each has something unique to offer. At least one will suit your talents. You'll find a place in them for sure and can join as many as you want.


He means us. like, DUH.
 If you're reading this blog then I need not enlighten you about the awesomeness that is KEMUNITED. The only portal of it's kind, it's your go-to place for anything and everything. From historicals to study resources to guides to everyday anecdotes to the newly added e-library, the list of things kemunited has to offer is endless. Needless to say, one of the most beloved and popular societies at KE. The best part? Anyone can join and participation is totally up to you.

See the rest for yourself :

Laiba Khalid, Chief Admin Kemunited.
Hear it from them- "What started with the noble vision of uniting Kemcolians on one platform, KemUnited now without doubt serves as a life saver for Kemcolians during tests, stages and above all, prof; a mentor for aspiring Kemcolians/doctors and post graduates alike owing to the vast collection of resource material and guides; information and entertainment media round the year with a plethora of articles covering all aspects of a Kemcolian’s campus life, a creative outlet for writers and artists; a respite from all the stress and politics; the voice of Kemcolians and the face of the university. It is Kemcolianism personified! " -Laiba Khalid, Chief Admin KEMUNITED.

-King Edward Debating Society, KEDS:

although sometimes....
One of the most popular and active societies, every one with a penchant for speaking is welcome here. Declamations, debates, MUNs, and extra events besides both inside and outside of KEMU offer limitless and equal opportunities to everyone.

You'll have the chance to both speak in competitions at KE as well as other institutions' events. Even if you currently don't participate in any of the activities above nor have any experience, you'll find plenty of guidance and will be taught by some of the best speakers in the circuit.

Hear it from them- "It really needs no introduction, I believe King Edward Debating Society, is the Oldest society of KE. KEDS has been producing quality debaters for over decades, who have proved their worth and have made a name in the Debating circuit while bringing home accolades from 
Saad Mussarat, President KEDS.
the most prestigious institutes across Pakistan. Not only does it provides a platform for students to nurture their speaking/communicating skills, it imparts immense confidence and groom their personality , which in turn helps make them the finest of doctors. KEDS, hosts various InterCollege and Intracollege events which invites a large number of students to participate and learn.From Declamation to Parliamentary, from Impromptu to Monologue, We do it all! Apart from this, the society has been the most colorful and eventful society in the past years! So, This Opportunity is definitely not to be missed! It might turn out to be your loss. So Dare You Believe that, THE POWER OF LOGIC IS STRONGER THAN LOGIC OF POWER, I invite you to Speak Up and Become a part of HOME OF FEARLESS." -Saad Mussarat, President KEDS '14.

 -King Edward Literary Society, KELS:  


For every book lover/writer/poet/free styler, this is it. Nerd Paradise. Not only do you get to test your creativity constantly, you get to have truckloads of fun while doing it.

From APICS (the ultimate intercollegiate writing test) to annual baitbaazi to the most successful Harry Potter quiz in probably forever, these folks never run out of ideas to entertain and instruct.

Not only that, they have separate English and Urdu chapters. They also own their own blog called KELLOGS and a book club besides. Could they BE any cooler? *chandler-style.

Muhammad Haseeb, President KELS.
Hear it from them-  "I have seen the seen immense capacity of the team I have led this year.
My time spent at KELS was truly different since I had the oppurtunity to go through a variety of different experiences. The best part about KELS is how one gets to interact with like-minded people, to create oppurtunities for spreading the love of literature and to influence the atmosphere at KE. One learns to handle events, organise them, meet deadlines and to socialize. KELS teaches you know the power of the words you carry. It ia an instituiton and a tradition- a flame passed onto us by our seniors, a flame that we have kept burning. The torch has been passed" -Muhammad Haseeb, KELS President '14

-Student Patient Welfare Society, SPWS:

Probably the most diverse society we have, these guys host everything from super cool events to massive charity drives.
Their bake sales are a highlight every year and last year's Lights of Hope set the trend for lantern events at medical universities throughout Lahore.

They constantly manage the blood bank and provide for the treatment of needy patients as well. It's social and moral responsibility both executed in style.

 See it for yourself here:

Usama Iqbal, President SPWS
"SPWS is an organization that apart from serving the depressed and deprived patients, is also a great instituition for young medical students to have a closer look on the actual problems that people around them are facing. Apart from our year-round blood and free medicine society,we organize out of the loop fun filled events with active participation from students. We're providing students a platform to help patients and raising awareness so I think we're successful in doing our jobs!"
       -Usama Iqbal, President SPWS, '14
        Mushafia Hassan, Lady President SPWS.

-King Edward Arts and Photography Society, KAPS:

this could be you! well...maybe not.
For the coolest of them all, the photographers, the musicians, the filmmakers, the artists and the vocalists. The showcase of all the talent KE has to offer, with their Annual Film Fest, and Kemcomics fiesta (in association with kemunited) as well as annual photography competition, they attract people far and wide. From everything to photos of every event to their cool varsity products, KAPS is one of those societies that anyone can fit into.

-King Edward Dramatics' Society, KDS:   
*slow claps*
Probably one of the most exclusive societies, if you have a flair for the theater and the confidence, try your acting/dancing/writing/directing/performing skills and join these elite few. Their annual plays are always a hoot as well as their drama day in every sports week. If anyone knows how to tell a story, it's definitely these guys.


Muhammad Awais, KDS Secretary.
   " KDS..Its not a society Its a family. These will be the words of every KDS member. Its because here you get a chance to spend time together with your seniors,juniors and class fellows in the most comfortable way that you really feel like a family. KDS is bonding of a life time. KDS is the best time of a Kemcolians life undoubtedly. 40 days of non stop rehearsals gives you a chance to know each other and gives you unlimited memories. And above all nothing can match the fame you get by acting in KDS ANNUAL PLAY. It feels like being a celebrity. KDS gives you a chance to show your acting skills and management skills in the backstage team.So be a part of KDS and be a part of HISTORY."                         
                                    -Muhammad Awais, KDS Secretary, '14

-Kemcolians' Akhuwat Club:

Fully committed to helping everyone out and making KE a better place, Akhuwat does everything from make-a-dream to plant drives to lending loans to the needy. Member or not, everyone who has had even a passing interaction with Akhuwat attests to the fact that it is one of the most fulfilling societies to work for, albeit one of the quieter ones.

-International Federation of Medical Students' Association, IFMSA:

A society worth joining to polish up your CV as well as learn impressive skills and grab educational opportunities. Moreover, this is the only KE society that extends above and beyond KE and one that anyone interested in being a better academic should join. They host events like undergraduate open day, career counseling, basic life support teaching seminars.

Hear it from them- "IFMSA is the largest medical student federation in the world which is recognized by WHO, UN and is considered the only student chapter of World Health Assembly. IFMSA Pakistan was founded in 2002. We currently have 4 Local Councils situated in the medical schools of Lahore, Peshawar and Rawalpindi. IFMSA-Lahore is the largest one. You can make your way to the highest post in local and national councils by participating in local council projects. That is just beginning. Regional and international councils are ahead. From this year, names of all members will be displayed on IFMSA-Pakistan website. Every year IFMSA offers Grants/awards/publications/internships/project presentation opportunities/training/Seminars. Stay active, avail the opportunities and show good positive attitude." -President IFMSA, '14

The KE editorial is definitely something one should be a part of. Rounding up every aspect of kemcolian life is in itself quite the achievement, not to mention that everyone knows the editorial team.

Hear it from them-
Ahsan Shahzad, KEMCOL.
"To be a representative of Kemcol and KELS Urdu is simultaneously awkward and interesting. It's awkward because the majority considers persons associated, in one way or other, with reading and writing as alienated from society. It's interesting in a sense that it provides am opportunity to think and negotiate on each and every behavior and instinct of mankind. Kemcol is yet to be introduced to the freshies: it is a yearly magazine that covers all horizons of life at KEMU.
Unfortunately, Kemcol is striving hard to come to the level it had in the past. Working in the capacity of Ed-in-chief of Kemcol is a painstaking tasking as not all readers are mature enough to tolerate bitter and heart-rending facts about our society. As in the past, people were not willing to accept the narrations of unprecedented authors such as Karishan Chandar, Parem Chand, Saadat Hasan Manto, Rajindar Singh Bedi, Ismat Chughtai, Ghulam Abbas and Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi.
Through Kemcol '14, we have tried to revive the classic era of literature. It's up to the readers to determine the extent to which we succeeded." -Ahsan Shahzad, KEMCOL

There you have it folks. The best, the biggest and the coolest societies of any medical university in Lahore. Now, to join or to join, that is the only question.:3


  1. Brilliantly composed

  2. i am already too interested but i'll have to wait another year.


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