King Edward Debating Society, Review- 2014

King Edward Debating Society-An Overview
                        “HOME OF FEARLESS”
“It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it ”

KEDS has a history which dates back to 1887, shortly after the opening of a new medical school, the home of the fearless, the home of the astute and articulates was founded. The art of speaking and communicating well cannot be separated from the science of medicine, hence the inception of King Edward Debating Society occurred way back in the early days of this institution.
KEDS has a rich history of debating excellence. For past 10 years, it has made its name not only in the national field but also in the international arena. KEDS has made its mark in all formats of debating.

‘’Everyone talks but less people speak’’. 
Winners of GIKI All Pakistan Parliamentary Debates

The society nourishes one’s dormant abilities & teaches one how to speak with style and confidence. We do not call it debating society but we call it a Debating family. A family that provides one with healthy environment to develop communication skills that are required at each and every step of one’s life.
KEDS at RMC Parliamentary Debates

         To improve the speaking skills of the students of KEMU by regular camps and training workshops.
         To introduce the novices to the art of parliamentary debating style of speaking.
         To represent KEMU at all debating forums in various institutions all over Pakistan.
         To represent KEMU in all youth discussion forums.
         To arrange Annual All Pakistan bilingual declamation and Parliamentary Debates Championship.
        To participate and arrange MUN’s.
        Social events are also arranged to provide a chance of recreation from heated debates.
KEDS at GCU Parliamentary Debates
KEDS at Punjab Youth Festival

         Annual All-Pakistan parliamentary debates championship which was a four day event. More than 50 teams attended the event.
        Annual All-Pakistan declamation championship which hosted more than 40 teams from all over Pakistan. Punjabi Taakra was also a part of this event that added more fervor and excitement to the event.
        FIRST EVER OLYMPIAD was organized at interclass level. “KEMPIAD’’ that lasted for more than fifteen days. The event had following categories :
1.Kemphonesthesia ( a competition of reading, impromptu and monologue performance)
2.First ever Interclass MUN (K’MUN )
3.Interclass parliamentary debates championship
4. Interclass declamation championship
        Camps (fortnightly) for parliamentary and declamation competitions at home and other institutions.
        Social Events were organized along with All Pakistan debates.
        Mystic Rendition and Cultural Carnival Featured ‘Sain Zahoor’( Famous sufi singer ) and Rafi peer theatre. The event was one of its own kind and first ever event to be organized on such a magnanimous scale. The event also had a noble cause and charity was collected .
        Movie night was also organized and Featured ‘OCEAN’S ELEVEN’ as part of social events for debating event.

Mystic Rendition and Movie Night hosted by KEDS

In the session 2013-14, King Edward Debating Society has set new records in public speaking and has been exceptionally outstanding all over Pakistan due to its vibrant and fearless orators. Under the leadership of Saad Mussarat as President, KEDS has brought home manifold laurels for KEMU. KEDS Won more than 100 national prizes this year , making it to be the maximum till date in KEMU and most by any medical institution of province.
Saad Musarrat- President KEDS 2014-15

A brief summary of this year’s achievements is as follows:
      Champions of UOL Parliamentary Debates
      Champions of NFC Parliamentary Debates
      Champions of BLKC Parliamentary Debates
      Champions of AIMC parliamentary Tetra Cup debates
      Champions of SIMS Declamation
      Champions of GCU Faisalabad Declamation
      Champions of Beaconhouse Liberty Campus Declamation.
      Champions of Shalamar Medical College Declamation.
      Champions of Nazaria Pakistan Trust Declamation.
      1st position at FMH Medical College Declamation.
      1st position in Fatima Jinnah Medical College Declamation.
      2nd position in UET declamation
      2nd position in LCWU Declamation
      3rd position in FAST Lahore Declamation.
      3rd position in University of Gujrat Declamation
      3rd position in Chenab College Jhang Declamation
      Runners up in UET Parliamentary Debates
      Runners up in LGS phase 5 Parliamentary Debates
      Runners up in CMH Parliamentary Debates
      Runners up in AIMC Parliamentary Debates
      Finalist in GCU Parliamentary Debates
      Finalist in NFC Declamation
      Finalist in Fast Faisalabad Declamation
      Finalist in FCCU Parliamentary Debates
      Finalist in EVENTO’14 UMT Parliamentary Debates
      Finalist in Agriculture University Faisalabad Declamation
      Two Best Delegates in FOR’MUN 2014
      Best Delegate in U'MUN 
KEDS at Lahore Debating Gala, FMH

Champions at All Pakistan Declamation Competition, SIMS

Winners of LDG, FMH Parliamentary Debates

Finalists at LGS Parliamentary Debates
Winners at All Pakistan Declamation contest, CMH

Winners of Beaconhouse Liberty Qasoori Cup Parliamentary Debates

Champions of UOL All Pakistan Parliamentary Debates

Champions of All Pakistan Parliamentary Debates, FCCU

Winners of Tetra Cup Parliamentary Debates, AIMC

2nd position at All Pakistan Declamation Contest, UET

Winners of All Pakistan Parliamentary Debates, NFC Faisalabad

Winner of Nazaria Pakistan Declamation Competition

KEDS at Lahore Alma Parliamentary Debates

3rd Position at All Pakistan Declamation Competition, Chenab College, Jhang.

3rd Best Speaker at GIKI parliamentary debates

2nd Position at All Pakistan Declamation Competition

1st position at FMH All Pakistan Declamation Competition

Finalists at All Pakistan Parliamentary Debates, GCU Lahore.

Finalists at All Pakistan Parliamentary Debates, FCCU

1st position at All Pakistan Declamation Competition, GCU Faisalabad.

1st Position at All Pakistan Declamation Competition, UMT

Semi Finalists at All Pakistan Parliamentary Debates, UET

      Best Speaker FCCU Parliamentary Debates
      Best Speaker NFC Parliamentary Debates
      Best Speaker UMT Parliamentary Debates
      Best Speaker LGS Phase 5 Parliamentary Debates 

  • Honourable Mentions at FORMUN'15

  • 1 Outstanding Diplomacy at FORMUN'15
    Best Delegate at FORMUN'15
    2nd position at All Pakistan Declamation Competition UOL
    Finalists in All Pakistan Declamation Competition, UCL

    KEDS has a team that made this society a success story . The members of society consist of MBBS members and AHS members . There is an approximation of more than 150 members currently in this society.

    Prof. Dr. Faisal Masud
    Prof. Dr. Asad Aslam Khan
    Dr. Ali Madeeh Hashmi
    Dr. Saira Afzal

    KEDS is lucky tohave Dr. Faisal Masood who supported the society in every cause and much success owes to him. Prof. Dr. Asad Aslam Khan (Pro-Vice Chancellor and Staff president KEDS) has always stood by us and encouraged us to strive further to make this Alma mater proud. Dr. Ali Hashmi ( Associate professor and Staff Advisor ) has always guided the society members and is one of the most intellectual persons of KEMU. KEDS was also pleased to be helped by Dr. Saira Afzal , who is currently Co-Staff Advisor for society. 

    KEDS is not a society , but a ‘debating Family’ and every member played the part fully in making this as one of the best societies in debating arena.

    KEDS wishes to make further progress in coming days.  Some of our future plans include :
          Making a separate MUN section in the society to focus and improve the culture of MUN’s in KEMU.
    Best Delegate at FORMUN'15

          Organize an International MUN in the years to come.
          Organize Youth Conferences to make a positive impact in the society.
          Organizing an international BP debating championship featuring teams from neighboring countries like India etc.
    Best Speaker at All Pakistan Parliamentary Debates, FCCU

    KEDS will keep striving to make this alma mater proud and it is a moment of great pride to apprise that it holds the maximum National level achievements in the university. The journey will continue with new destinations to reach, and hopefully fresh blood will cling on to this KEDS ship because we strongly believe

    A Blog by:
    Saad Mussarat

    PRESIDENT KEDS 2014-15


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