
Showing posts from March, 2015

New House Officer's Orientation Guide

New House Officer's Orientation Guide by Dr. M. Tauseef Omer F.C.P.S. Resident Paediatrics Medicine & Neonatology Mayo Hosp.,Lhe. Cleared M.B;B.S.  ! You thrived Well. Now its time to link your previous theoretical knowledge & clinical skills with newer and better clinically oriented knowledge ! Medical World is so big , & So is the hospital where you are joining as HO- Mayo Hospital. This little guide will help you orient yourself to the working environment of Mayo & also to what is required from you. House job can help you decide what is the most suitable Specialization for you.At the end of your Rotations you may be able to figure out if you are a doctor for bone repairs, or cutting n stitching bowels, or to handle crying babies , or the one who reads x rays and watches TV with ultrasound probe in hand! Or , before your House job begins , you may visit wards of your "interest" , meet senior doctors- see their working routine ...........

Lecture Slides: Gynecology; Anemia In Pregnancy


lecture Slides: Surgery : Carcinoma Gallbladder


Lecture slides:Plastic Surgery:BURNS


Sports Week 2015 Decor


KemArchives : Sports Inside '15

We are two days in sports week already and its already hell-lotsa-fun, Stay tuned and we bring you the hottest , the spiciest ,and obviously the best. Click on the image below for full resolution. Click on the image below for full resolution. There is a download button on down right of your screen.

When Your First Substage goes Urrrrrrrr !!!

By Aimen Saeed Remaining a ā€œtopperā€ through out your life, and then getting an "F" or even failing a test is a like bomb shell being dropped on you like a bang!!!! (this is especially rue for the theeti 1st yr) But know one thing that actually, failure is a blessing in disguise. It is nothing but just a small breach in your way to make you stronger and competitive for the other upcoming challenges yet to face. And especially in medical life, you really canā€™t survive without facing failure, without confronting the fact  that you might get messed up at some point where things go out of hand and you feel like : "uggghhh my life's a mess" : But but butā€¦ā€¦.. truly telling, after "my" first experience of getting an " F ", I would really say that failure is in itself a feeling to enjoy!! Yup, you heard me right. And talking about failure, the most adventurous story of yours, in a medical school, is how you failed your first substage...

Behind the Curtains with Dr. Mansoor Baseer Pal

Behind the Curtains Dr. Mansoor Baseer Pal  The Most Feared Professor of KEMU by Moeed Ahmed, Laiba Khalid and Taroob Latef Chairperson of ENT (Unit I) KEMC Graduate Class of 1981, FRCS (UK) Senior Registrar Walsgrave Hospital UK Assistant Professor Fatima Jinnah (1991-1999) Professor AIMC (1999-2003) Professor KEMU (2003-present) Author of numerous published papers, Dr. Pal holds special interest in nasal and sinus surgery Cynical on the outside but just as soft hearted on the inside, Dr. Pal was as forthright as one can be, evaded no questions and spoke fearlessly on every matter. A renowned weight lifter and arm wrestler of his time with a thriving love for England, Dr. Palā€™s face lights up every time he talks about his late father and wishes he had walked in his footsteps to pursue Physics as his career. PART I:  DR. PAL THE MAN INSIDE What are your hobbies? How do you like to spend...

Lecture Slides: Surgery ; Abdominal Distension


Lecture slides: Pediatrics: Chronic diarrhea


Lecture slides: Dermatology; ACNE


Secrets of Successful Freelancing Shared By A Medical Student - Uzair Ikram [ Magnate meets Medicine ]

By  Haania Khan This is a success story , when we think of one, we expect it be the  cliched  waking up to the face of the earth in a slum-based setting, realizing that fate has been inequitable and put you in the wrong place, that life is full of starving and demoralizing, intimidating days and in order to reach a certain level of living you would have to struggle day in and day out, and work till you are wrinkled to your bones, and then maybe fate finally lets you have it. Uzair breaks that stereotype. Born into a business family with a silver spoon in his mouth , 11As in O levels, Ravian, life was smooth already, when one day, during post-MCAT-respites, he found his lifeā€™s direction; a young Pakistani freelancer had earned some $200 by working online . Uzair looked it up, searched online and found his way to Elance. Some casual hit and score trials later, he realized that the concept was no scam and that translating jobs were high in d...