4th Annual KELS and KEMUNITED Photo Captioning Contest 2015

Friends! Fellows! Kemcolians! Pigeons!

After a whole year of waiting, we're back with the most exciting, the most charismatic, and the most brain-power-leeching event of the year:
the 4th Annual KELS and KEMUNITED Photo Captioning Contest 2015

Are you a philosopher, with a serious outlook on life? Or are you the happy-go-lucky person who goofs around everywhere? Or are you the next Aunty Acid, with a penchant for photography?
Then *Bruno voice* "Don’t brag about it, come show me!". We are here to check out your work, and give you a thumbs up and a thump on the back if it's awesome! (which I'm sure it is).

So what do you need to do? 
Just take a photo, add a cool caption, and send it to us 
at kelscaptioningcontest@gmail.com 
till 10th April 2015

There is no specific theme. Your pictures must be restricted to KEMU, and its affiliated hospitals.

This year, there will be separate awards and contest for Serious and Humorous category. SO you can be goofy, or you can be Demosthenes, and you can win all the same!

Keep in mind the following rules:

- There should be no text over picture.
- Only English Captions are allowed. No Urdu, and *shakes head* no Roman Urdu is allowed.
- Captions should reflect your original thoughts. Don't not copy/paste quotes and/or previous captions.
- NO heavy handed processing is allowed. Only minor editing is allowed. We're here to check your photography skills, not your CS skills.
- There are two separate categories: Serious and Humorous. Therefore, mention your category in the Subject of your mail.
- Your photo should be related to the theme. Do not send a comic/meme like picture.

Your photos/captions will be judged by a panel of judges, based on your photography skills as well as the creativity behind your caption. Public response (in the form of Likes on Facebook page of KemUnited) to your picture will also be included in the final list.

There will be 2 prizes for the top 2 folks in BOTH categories. How cool is that?!

And remember the deadline again: 
10th April 2015.

Happy Captioning! May the odds ever be in your favor!

Links to Previous albums:
Photo Captioning Contest 2011
Photo Captioning Contest 2012
Photo Captioning Contest 2013 


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