14 signs you are a society-monster

By Maryam Ayub (4th year MBBS) (Disclaimer: This blog is not meant to offend anyone except the blogger's friends. Other offences taken are just a bonus) 1.The thought of being a member of only one society gives you feeling of being stranded in a desert. 2. You have more certificates of organising than you can ever have of everything else combined in your entire life. 3. You define societies in your mind/circle as "the nasty one" , "the fun one" , "the comfy one" or "the weird one". 4. You save tons of money each year (and get to try new places) by going to Atleast five high teas a year. 5. Your Facebook friends include Kemcolians of atleast 10 different years. (From the absolute seniors when you were firstulas to the firstulas of the year you graduate ) 6. You just simply can't move around the college without atleast five "assalam o alaikum Bhai/Baji" or "walikum salam . Kia ho raha hai" depending upon your year (seni...