1st KemVines Contest 2015 - Winners !!!

First - Ever KemVines Contest (2015)
brought to you by KemUnited
(Staff President Prof. Dr. Asad Aslam)

The first-ever KemUnited KemVines Contest was held with a generous amount of reservation, the team being unsure if Kemcolians would rise to meet the challenge ! But the response was not only surprisingly overwhelming but refreshingly competitive. Each KemVine was a story in its own, beautifully executed and demonstrating to everyone that not only Kemcolians have a smashing sense of humor but that they can act and sing and shoot like they were born doing it !!!

Because it’s true, we have to say the cliched: ‘judges had a very hard time deciding who to put first’. All entries were astounding, many a times making the judges end up in quarrels when each judge would relentlessly stick with their favorite :P and hence we have more than just 1 winner (as initially announced). We, like all of you, thoroughly enjoyed each Vine. Thank you immensely for participating.

Note: A usual vine is 6 seconds long! We have however scratched the time limit off of the rules since this was the first competition ever. For the editor of the vine, it is tempting to put a lot of your footage in the Vine so it would be nice to show your vine to neutral viewers before sending it in to cut less wanted parts. Camera quality was overall excellent.


Dr. Muhammad Bilal (CEO & Founder KemUnited. Also served as President KEDS, General Secretary KELS English, Finance Secretary KAPS , Editor KEMCOL and Executive member of SPWS,IFMSA,KDS and Sports Club)
Laiba Khalid ( Chief Administrator KemUnited, Lady Finance Secretary KAPS , Editor KEMCOL , Executive member Sports Club )

Judgement Criteria:
50% likes and 50% judges scores (based on humor and creativity)

Ladies & Gentlemen, we give you the 
Winners of KemVines 2015:

Best Vine - 1st Position !
The Evolution...of girls in medical college over the years..Need not say, the perfect vine ! From idea to execution, acting to composition , everything was perfect !

KemVine #13The Evolution...of girls in medical college over the years..By Suneela Shaukat , Asad Mehmood Lak ,Hassan...
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Friday, 19 June 2015

Runners Up - 2nd Position
Theeta Life (Life of a Nerd)
A Truly Hilarious Vine and something all Kemcolians can relate to!

KemVines # 4 : Theeta LifeBy Ali Anjum (4th Year)Send your entry NOW ! to kemunited@gmail.com.Details of the contest: http://bit.ly/1EbnRwT
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Tuesday, 2 June 2015

3rd Position
Dost Dost Na Raha
Excellent camera quality, composition and acting !

KemVine #7'Dost Dost Na Raha'Send your entry NOW ! to kemunited@gmail.com.Details of the contest: http://bit.ly/1EbnRwT
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Tuesday, 9 June 2015

4th Position
We have a tie between
Coming late to the class (Boys vs. Girls)
The cast was a giant in acting !

KemVines #1 Coming late to the class (Boys vs. Girls)
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Sunday, 26 April 2015

and Substage Effects (Girls vs. Boys) 
Well just one word : spot on!

KemVine #11Substage Effects (Girls vs. Boys)By Dark Productions ( 1st Year )Send your entry NOW ! to kemunited@gmail.com.Details of the contest: http://bit.ly/1EbnRwT
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Monday, 15 June 2015

5th Position
Trip Vine- Boarding a (mix/co) bus on a class trip A refreshing new idea, wonderfully choreographed with great music timing!

KemVine #9Trip Vine- Boarding a (mix / co) bus on a class trip (Expectations vs. reality)By Muhammad Raphay...
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Friday, 12 June 2015

Consolation Prize
The Judges' Favorites that achieved highest scores by the judges but couldn't get sufficient likes to make it to top 5

KHOOBSURAT (movie) : Medical Remix
Brave and witty, this one said the unsaid and has to be the most talked about vine !

KemVine #10KHOOBSURAT (movie): Medical RemixBy Unsa Athar, Ayesha Tasneem, Aneeqa Shahid, Hassan Ali, AB Rafay,...
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Sunday, 14 June 2015

Muhammad Usama deserves a very special mention for the following vines which not only WIN IN HUMOR hands down but also follow the correct definition of a vine. Kudos Usama !

KemVine #6By Muhammad UsamaSend your entry NOW ! to kemunited@gmail.com.Details of the contest: http://bit.ly/1EbnRwT
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Monday, 8 June 2015

KemVine #12When you are late for the lecture but the teacher gets the doors closed. By UsamaSend your entry NOW ! to kemunited@gmail.com.Details of the contest: http://bit.ly/1EbnRwT
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Tuesday, 16 June 2015

True to the core and beautifully scripted !

KemVine #2SEND YOURS NOW!http://www.kemunited.com/2015/05/kemvines-contest-1st-online-vine.html
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Friday, 22 May 2015

Best Viner :
Sattiristan Productions 

2 of their videos; Theta Life and Trip Vine, have already made it to the top 5. 
The other 2 are :

When a girl talks to a guy
A very commonly observed idea executed very artistically !

KemVine #5When a girl talks to a guyBy Arsalan Ahmad Khan and Fahr Hayat (4th year)Send your entry NOW ! to kemunited@gmail.com.Details of the contest: http://bit.ly/1EbnRwT
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Sunday, 7 June 2015

When Kemcolians dine out..
A combo of great expressions and superb direction !

KemVine #16When Kemcolians dine out..By Muhammad Raphay ,Arsalan Ahmad Khan ,Kashif Saleem,Maheer Nayyer ,Haroon...
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Wednesday, 24 June 2015

All of you are winners...
That's right. In our eyes each and every participant who made the effort is a winner and deserves special mention. So a few words of appreciation by the judges:

The only vine submitted by non-Kemcolians. A brilliant effort by the De'mont girls. Thank you for your zealous participation :)

KemVine #14Medical studies never end...By Varda Hussain,Anoosha Waseem,Tazeen Zafar,Rida Binte Zahid,Mariyam Fazal...
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Sunday, 21 June 2015

This vine had the best acting, no doubts there! Could have been a perfect vine if it had been more paced. 

KemVines # 3 Life of a Medical Student : Normal Nights Vs Night Before ExamsBy Syed Ahmed RazaSend your entry NOW !Details of the contest: http://bit.ly/1EbnRwT
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Sunday, 24 May 2015

And the following 2 vines which once again blew away the audience.

KemVine #8What parents think we do in university vs. What we actually do in university By Dark Productions ( 1st...
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Thursday, 11 June 2015

KemVine #15After passing a difficult test...By Kainat Zaffar 2nd year Send your entry to kemunited@gmail.com.Details of the contest: http://bit.ly/1EbnRwT
Posted by Kemcolians United - The King Edward Medical University Blog - [ KemUnited ] on Monday, 22 June 2015

The Contest Doesn't End here !
We received more registrations than the actual submissions but the participants could not send their entries in time due to vacations and prep leaves . So all those who wish to participate can do so in KemVines Season 2 !  


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