First Professional Part I

Filza Saeed

2nd Year MBBS

Assalam-o-Alaikum juniors! A cordial welcome to KEMU, it’s been 3 months though :3 but yeah, who cares, finally ám awake enough to write something that makes sense. *adaab* My my, I can clearly see those new babies in the field *-*
Freshmen forethoughts be like...

Nevertheless, to the point sweeties… This blog has nothing to do with the title (bcz there is nothing as clean and empty as my study table :p and what I am sharing is purely PARHAYI oriented) .
Firstly, some key points to this guide:
1      1.   This orientation is for the batch ’20 and onwards bcz of the staff that has changed entirely over the years.
[Harper in, Mushtaq out *bites nails*]

1.       It has all the stuff you need to pass professionals given in all the books of each and every subject.
2.       Paper Patterns are attached along with syllabus.
3.       By this, you’ll be able to get one complete picture of what you’re supposed to learn and what not, that is basically what the title refers to. So, stick to it :p

As there are no repeater sessions from now onwards and by hook or crook we are compelled to attend classes #sad_life ;(  , it’s better that we start listening to the lectures too. It is hard but very Useful. I strongly endorse upon the point to at least note down the headings discussed in lectures.

One thing you might have a clue about is whatever you are or will be going through in modules is not a part of professionals, so don’t waste your energies on them and stick to Basic Sciences, if needed, buy a Fevicol stick :D

Do not buy all the books. I swear KE has a library :3
And consult past papers.
Let’s get down to real business...


 (My love) :
For syllabus,


Ghulam Ahmad is the book I studied. It has almost everything. You can supplement it with clinicals from KLM, Dr. Mahjabeen used to.


I love love love Junqueira but for a first year student it may seem indigestible so I would suggest Laiq Hussain( chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15) with clinicals from Junqueira. Histology of Respiratory System is NOT included but Cardiovascular System is. Practise diagrams again and again. In the end, there is no time for histo revision so just go through the notebook once. It’ll hardly take an hour or so and you’re good to go. 

So, make diagrams properly and with full understanding.
No need to bother for the slides. Frankly speaking, if you are able to identify the slides at this stage, you deserve 70 topon ki salami! For normal people there will be a revision class of histology two or three days before professional viva. It is a must to attend. Take pictures of the slides shown and label them. Try to memorize, yes I mean it, imprint ‘em in your mind hard. Only those slides will be asked in the final exam (90% of times :D )


BD Chaurasia is a notorious book as far as concept building is concerned. Everyone plz go for KLM or in case of severe tunnnn program like me, go for Video Atlases like Acland’s or on Youtube. Netter is also very applicable. But never ever think of passing professional if you have ignored BD like the first slice of bread the whole year :p Don’t forget the clinicals from KLM and Joints to be done from RJ Last as Dr. Rafia loves to ask the axis and planes of joints. BD is best for osteology and surface marking.
Upper limb, Lower limb and Thorax are included. (Diaphragm is included in Thorax but is written along with Abdomen)


KLM+Langman. KLM(chapter 2,3,4,5,6,7,20) is compulsory but some teachers teach Langman too. Establishment of body axes in 3rd week of development is to be done from Langman at every cost.
Dr. Rafia is fond of asking students to describe embryology models so do them thoroughly for viva day. Also, spotting includes embryo models.
Kemunited has all the models for Gross Regions and Embryology.
Such a piddu sa subject. Isn’t it? -.-

For Paper pattern, you have 200 marks. 90 for written and 90 for viva and practical. Wait, but, no, where are the remaining 20 marks? Those, my dear, are for the internal assessment, 10 to be added in written and 10 in viva. So, if you’re thinking of failing at edge this is the life saving credit. Everyone gets between 11 to 16 out of 20.
At least some marks for not doing anything :X

As per written, 30 MCQ’s(30)+3 SEQ’s (6,7,7)+1 PBQ(20)+1 LEQ having two parts(20 marks). That makes a total of 90 (30+60). And 10 from internal assessment. 50% is needed to pass.
MCQ’s are mostly tough, as they are concept based all in all.
SEQ’s have no definite pattern. Histo, GA, Gross, Embryo, anything can be asked.
PBQ: problem based question or the clinical oriented question from Gross and embryology portions. It has a diagnosis part and related short questions.
LEQ is from Gross and Embryology.

Just an example…

Viva and practical, it has marks division that changes every year. 50% is the passing criteria. You have to go through two days. On one day is the Spotting on models, limbs, viscera, bones and radiographs ( Gross and Embryology), Surface Marking on attendants (I know disturbing it is ), Gross, Embryology and General Anatomy viva taken by partly External and Internal Examiners.
The other day is for Histology.
Usually spotting has 20 marks, each Gross Anatomy region’s viva of 10, Embryology 10 , GA of 5, surface marking of 5. (20+10+10+10+10+5+5=70)
Histology spotting (10, identification of tissue and reason for identification), major slide identification and drawing (5), histo notebook(2), viva on the allotted major slide(3) (10)
These are the identification points:

Internal Assessment to be added. (10)



Guyton and Hall (Unit 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,13,15). I would highly suggest that you make short notes of guyton on loose sheets or use pocket companion to Guyton bcz there is no way you can revise the whole book at the end of year. Just read Guyton once, then go for Pocket companion and write stuff on it that is not mentioned. In this way, you will be saving time at end and revising guyton too.
Some teachers are fond of asking weird definitions that are written in Firdaus only which is the review book of Physiology but it has hell lot of mistakes. Go through it once and add the stuff not mentioned anywhere else after confirmation.
For cell, forget what you have done in cell module, just go for the 3 chapters of guyton.
For Nerve and Muscle, the extra stuff to be done is compound action potential( mushtaq physiology volume 1), axonal transport( Ganong page 87),classification of nerve fibers, classification of neurons, myelin sheath, properties of nerve fibers, degeneration and regeneration of nerve fibers (Jaypee section 10).
Cardiovascular system is sufficient from Guyton. ( more than sufficient I meant :p)
Them feels *ouch!*

Properties of cardiac muscle are written in guyton but scattered. Take help from firdaus in this respect. Oedema is written in four different places, firdaus under the section of body fluids, chapter 25(unit 5) of guyton, in unit 7 and section 2 of Jaypee.
For Blood, take blood notes from Zubair book depot although they have mistakes. ESR, Plasma proteins, Arneth Count, features of different WBC’s, Bone marrow, Jaundice, complications of matched and mismatched blood transfusion from blood notes. ESR, Blood Indices from Jaypee section 2. Functions of blood cells, functions of antibodies and other stuff from Firdaus. Functions of plasma proteins are also written on page 833 of Guyton.
For Respiration, pulmonary function tests are written in Jaypee section 9. Also, unit 8 of Guyton is included in it.
For Metabolism, just do chapter 73 of unit 13.
In Sports physiology, you just need to know effects of exercise on CVS and Respiratory system, also written in Jaypee section 8 and 9.
Firdaus all the way :3

Paper Pattern:-
90+90+20( Internal Assessment)
In written, 30 MCQ’s(30)+3 SEQ’s(6,7,7)+1 PBQ(20)+1 LEQ( 10+10)

There is no chapter or unit wise splitting for physiology written paper. E.g

Internal Assessment (10)
In viva and Practical, one day is assigned for viva. External and Internal examiners together will be taking your viva based on each unit. Units will be divided between them. Use short books for viva like firdaus or BRS Physiology. To the point answers are required.
The other day is for practical. You will be given two practicals. One major and one minor. You have to write each and everything related to the practical and perform it too. Attendants will be helping you at every step. After performance, there will be viva related to both the practicals and related theory stuff.
There is no specific marks distribution. Not even for practical notebook.
10 marks for Internal Assessment.

Viva and written have to be passed separately i-e 50%


For Syllabus,

Basically, bacho I have no idea about Dr. Nakshab and his methodology. Still I will be trying my best to help you in this regard. As the announcement went viral “Jo Mushtaq prhe ga wo Pchtaye ga” so, stick to Lippincott and Harper and use Mushtaq wherever needed.

Topics to be done in First year are Cell, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Enzymes, Oxidative phosphorylation, Gastrointestinal Biochemistry, Nucleotides, Vitamins, Minerals and Acid-Base.

From Lippincott, you have to cover Unit 1, 2 ( chapter 6,7,14), Unit 5 chapter 28, Unit 6 (chapter 29 and 30: DNA and RNA structure).

From Harper, Section 1(except 10), section 2 (11,12,13,14,15), section 3(chapter 31), section 4 (chapter 32,34), section 5( chapter 40), section 6 (chapter 43,44,47,48,50 and related clinicals from 56 and 57)

For Acid Base, do Henderson Hasselbach equation from chapter 2 volume 1 and chapter 14 volume 2 of mushtaq bcz it is not written anywhere else. Or go for Unit 5(chapter 30) of Guyton.

Do plasma proteins from chapter 11 volume 2 of mushtaq.

Always always incorporate all this with Mushtaq bcz you never know whether Dr. Shakeel is staying or not…

Paper Pattern:-

No idea about anything but from now onwards there will just be one extensive question. All other questions would be SEQ’s like this:

Passing criteria is same.

The Most Important Paper i-e ISLAMIAT  ;p

I really enjoyed that adventure of studying Islamiat a night before exam :p It is like a story book. Read it once and write whatever you wish in exam. Literally, Dr. Yahya doesn’t give a damn, certainly he has a life ;) Like every year, he is going to conduct a special class to convey the syllabus and questions from his Almaroof kutub which are nearly the same every year. Pyarey bacho don’t get carried away, he always asks something different in exam.

As per paper, it can be attempted in both english and urdu but I have only urdu stuff ;)

His books:

Learn translations of Surah and Ahadees mentioned by him plus the ayats mentioned in his book under other topics. They are usually asked. You have to put explaination to the Ayat and Hadees too. Other questions are theoretical and will never be the ones as told by him but you can answer them easily.

1 Ayat+1 Hadees+ 2 SEQ’s+ 1 LEQ(7.5+7.5+7.5+7.5+20=50)
There are no MCQ’s.
Pass percentage is 33%.
Ahadees mentioned by him:

That is all. Good Luck kids :)

*where the hell is my bed*


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