Study Material Reviews: Lecturio

Eesha Razia (2015-20)
In this modern era of advancing research and technology, its an uphill task to keep up with the pace of the world. Especially the addition of discoveries and inventions into the archives of medical information knows no bounds. Relying on books to cope up with the contemporary studies has become obsolete. Carrying tons of books  around is not possible, leaving us with E-learning as the key source of study. But where to study from?

“” is a medical e-learning platform launched by a small yet ambitious team having one goal:
        “To optimize and simplify online learning.”
 Its been helping medical students all over the world since 2008 and is now a recognized learning website in the medical world visited not only by students but also by high profile professors.


The website offers courses helping you through Pre-medical, MCAT, Basic Medical sciences, Clinical Sciences, Nursing  and USMLE. Online lectures, question bank, review questions, Lecturio Medical Magazine and Video guideline are some promising features of the website.

Medical Students:

                 Students burn the midnight oil to enter medical field but having once entered here it becomes clear that medicine is anything but easy without a proper guideline. The key is to build concepts and also have a clear visualization of what you studied. Lecturio understands that, offering

§   500 high quality medical videos
§   3000 quizz questions with scores at end
§  500 concept articles that leave no stone unturned.


The pursuit of higher aims prompts the students to undertake USMLE leading them to heights of our profession. However USMLE is no child’s play. To help through this lecturio provides
Ø  access to not only 1600+ Qbank but also the facility to put up your own questions
Ø 500+ lectures and articles
Ø Also teachers like Professor Kartik Carlo (15 years of experience of USMLE prep,USA)
Ø  Prof. James Pickering (award winning medical professor at LEEDS,UK)
Ø  Prof. Kevin Ahren ( director of undergraduate research at University of Oregon )

Furthermore the website is:
·      easy to access
·      available on any computer, tablet, smartphone with internet connection
·      offering an android app
·      provides the facility of making notes in app
·      has a number of offline features
·      videos have multiple playback speeds

The success rate of students using the website clearly shows the expertise and dedication of the makers, rendering lecturio a must-visit website. 


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