KemUnited 3rd Blogger Awards & 5th Anniversary [ Official Event Review ]

Review by Ayesha Saeed Malik
2nd year MBBS

Once upon a time, not very far back, lived a little girl who plundered upon Medicine as a career of choice but found out a little too late that as noble as saving human lives might seem, studying to achieve those goals weren't even remotely close to nobility or seemed humanly for that matter.

On one of those similarly morbid days, when her mind teemed with saturnine thoughts of failing her head and neck stage, she heard a 'ping' on her phone. The girl lunged towards it, bearing in mind that nothing could make that seemingly dark day blossom into the vibrant colors of spring, thinking that her rainbow of life had been forever lost to the vile world's cruel ways. But dear friends, what that little girl forgot was that every cloud has a silver lining. And so, this girl's silver lining had appeared in the form of a message. The dispatch bore an official invitation to Kemunited's Annual Ceremony.

Now, the rumor has it that the girl screamed so loud that people gathered around her lilliputian cottage, worried she might've fallen victim to the red wolf's appetite when in fact she was so jubilant at the news of Kemunited party that she screamed in delight like a lunatic, worrying everyone around her about the sudden loss of her mental health. The once mundane girl had now transformed into a gleeful one. Some sources have it that she did not restrict her celebrations to screaming and laughing in the air but practiced her worn out skills at back flips and happy dancing before she once again returned to her doleful text-books.

Several days passed in a constant whirl of anticipation and then arrived the big day! The morning peace was disrupted by the sound of trumpets and drum rolls, the air was crisp with the long-awaited excitement and everyone dressed in their best apparels to look presentable in front of the camera.

The ceremony commenced with an introductory kemunited video that swayed the hearts of everyone gathered in the small hall and made them applaud teary eyed, proud at how far they'd come from the starting line and how much they had achieved during the journey. Professor Asad Aslam - the patron and staff president of kemunited graced the ceremony with his presence and shed a few words of praise for the team behind the grand success of kemunited, who'd over the years brought kemunited to the pinnacle of university blogs, nationwide.

Certificate Distribution trotted afterwards where each individual was presented with a certificate of acknowledgement accompanied by some very cool photos that would later be seen on social media as their displays, because let's brag some and why not? It's not every day one gets awarded with a certificate that'll embezzle one's resume' in the future.

After the whole ordeal of trophy/shield/certificate distribution was over, came the moment everyone had secretly been hoping for...THE CAKE! And not just any cake, mind you! A taste bud's ultimate dream.

After devouring on the cake like hungry hyenas, sense of propriety returned and better sense prevailed; people chose to never speak of what happened on the table, where now laid a butchered pile of chocolate instead of the mouth-watering sight it had once been.

Everyone hurriedly wiped their faces of any left-over remains of food, tidied themselves and restored their former poise once the news of 'final group photo' spread like hell fire amongst the gathering and posed mightily in front of the camera, greedy for some more fine photos.

The readers might think that the story ends here, but it has more to it. What came next was a foodie's dream come true. A hi-tea to Palilos! Seeing, the food in all its delicious glory, the bloggers forgot all the etiquettes of socialization and ran to it like there'd be no tomorrow.

Kemunited's Senior Admin Muhammad Mohsin Ali said at the occasion:
"The kemunited ceremony had two unique features: it was unexpected and it was real fun, being an inter mingling of bloggers and foodies. And our motto (at heart) is to maintain and excel at both these aspects. So food (ahem, kemunited) ftw!"

Chief admin Kemunited - Unsa Athar shared her views:
"I was a part of Kemunited before officially joining KEMU. Kemunited has always been the place where i feel like home. This ceremony was fun, yes, but was an emotional roller coaster ride as well. Bidding farewell to the seniors who have always been an inspiration was hard. I wish from all my heart that the new admins manage to keep up the standards that our seniors have set, let it be the blog or the amazing ceremonies."

Chief admin Kemunited - Muhammad Salik shared his views:
"Every year KemUnited’s annual ceremony is a much awaited event. This year to see how far we’ve come from the first ceremony I attended with Bilal bhai and Usama bhai, how much KemUnited has achieved in that time and how much we still aspire to achieve, is an amazing feeling in itself. And when you get a cool video, an awesome cake, amazing certificates and a high tea at Pallilos in a single day, what more can you ask for."

After bellies had been over fed, the gathering thinned out and people left,with happy memories, back to their monotonous lifestyles.

Review by Anosha Anwar
Final Year

“Big things come in small packages” and a testimony to this statement is this 5 year old!

You ever think what only a 5 year old is capable of?

Well whatever you can imagine, this 5 year old kiddo has risen above the expectations of all, challenged all doubts, and reached a point truly worthy of applause. Getting curious who this might be?

Well look no further the answer is staring you right in the face. 

Its not a person, its not a page, it’s a community!

And united do we stand.

Every year we aim to surpass our progress in previous years, accomplish new milestones. As it reflects in our humble beginnings now signified by our annual gatherings. Hats off to the executives in this case for trying their best to take it one step further every time and achieving this beyond our expectations. Shout out to our latest DOCTORS Laiba Khalid, Taroob Latef and Moeed Ahmed for setting and continuing this tradition every year and putting faces to the names.

As bloggers, our writings our identities, if it weren’t for these gatherings, we may as very well be unaware of the people behind masterpieces and epic tales.

It all starts with a cordial invitation to award distribution ceremony which comes unexpectedly as a delightful surprise and you consider yourself lucky if you get invited ;P *yayyyy us*

The venue was PIPO audiotorium, when we came a presentation was played about kemunited which is a must see! Because it evokes pride in the viewer! You actually feel like you accomplished something by being a part of this and this community has met its purposes well!

I believe those who have worked hours and hours into pure dedication and commitment to the blogger spirit, deserve to be acknowledged! and so they were by professor Asad Aslam khan and the Admins and members of KEMUNITED with certificates of acknowledgement.

This year they set off another new milestone by organizing the first ever KemVines competition!

Winners of the KemVines Contest were invited to receive their prizes for Best Vine, Best Viner and Unsa Ather bagged the award for being the best blogger.

The executive team that passed out were presented with shields for their dedication and commitment.

And yes. The highlight of ceremony was the cake. So much so that our guests of honour instead of carrying on the ceremony, took a break to make an inquiry about this gorgeous piece of artistry! And it tasted AMAZING.

The cherry on pie are the sweet memories of an event so for these cherries, Group photos were taken (uploaded on the official album here:)

Later on, we all went to hi tea at Palilos. Surprisingly it was a first for many bloggers and all were pleasantly surprised by the quality of food and the management of executive team. And I know I will not be exaggerating if I said, it was one of the best hi teas in town !

It takes hell lot of patience and mind to bring it all together, and they brought it all together in with a pretty neat bow! Kudos to the oldies but goldies and the newbies for working in harmony to bring it all together. We are now 5 years old! Happy birthday kemunited , may it keep up the caliber all have set so high and raise it even higher with time to come as we are sure it will! Ameen.


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