MCAT--Some Pre-Exam Tips and Instructions
By Khadija Mohab Khan (Batch 2015-20)
Dear Juniors ! You have worked really hard during last 2
years but you have to be very careful on the
day before MCAT and the MCAT day . Here are some general instructions :
for your MCAT. You have studied enough but ask ALLAH Almighty to put His Fazal
in your hard work.
2. Be
Confident but Humble.
You should be satisfied with your preparation. You have done
your best effort. Now It is up to ALLAH Almighty.

• Relax!
• Do not
study. You have studied enough. Now relax. If you can't help studying , go for
revising vocabulary only.
• Get
together everything you need for the test , Admittance card , ball points ,
clip board and watch.
• Pray for
your test and ask all your sincere fellows , relatives and teachers to pray for
you. Ask your maid and driver uncle to pray for you. This matters a lot!!
• Go to bed
early. Get a good night's sleep.
• Say fajar
• Recite Surah
• Must take
a light , healthy breakfast.
• Don't
panic when you enter the examination centre.
• When they
hand over MCAT paper to you , first check if all the four portions are
complete. Check for any misprinting. If you find any misprinting , you may
contact invigilator before starting your test.
• After
filling your roll number correctly , MOST IMPORTANT thing is Q-ID.
• The first
row in bubble sheet is of Q-ID. It denotes the color or code of paper assigned
to you. God forbid , If one forgets to answer this question , all of
his/her efforts will go in vain.
• Then ,
start solving your paper with cool & calm attitude.
• You can
solve in whatever sequence suits you. I started with Biology,then English ,
Chemistry and physics.
not to spend too long on questions you don't understand. Mark them ( in your
test booklet , not your answer sheet ) so you can come back to them if there's
• Check
periodically ( every 5 to 10 questions ) to make sure you are marking correct
answers in bubble sheet. God forbid , If one has marked answer of Q-110 in
column of Q-111 , all the remaining mcqs will be wrong.
• Read mcq
statement carefully and read ALL 4 options. Never ever read till option B and
mark B even if you think it is correct. Because may be Option D contains 2
correct points ( one same as written in B and another correct point ). So ,
option D will be correct in this case. That is why , It is necessary to read
all 4 options.
• Rule out
Incorrect Answers : You may only be able to eliminate one or two incorrect
answers , but every wrong answer you eliminate increases your chances of
picking the correct answer.
That's all I was advised. And I
followed .
Hope they also help you ! Best of Luck !
May ALLAH help you all! Ameen !
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