How to ace biochemistry?The best guide for 1st year

By Hamza Ali(CR 2nd year MBBS) Let’s get one thing straight: Biochemistry is the easiest subject in first year. By default, that also makes it the most neglected one and hence the one that will give you most of your nightmares during the prof season. So, my golden advice to all of you: start studying early. Before I say anything else, I must add that there is still a lingering air of doubt as to who runs the biochemistry department. Suffice it to say, no matter who runs it, your job is to do biochemistry well enough to ace it no matter who’s taking the exam. All you have to do is work smart and be regular. The Guide: What I’ll do in this guide is I’ll give you a few important pointers and will give you a brief review of the resources (and books) that will be available to you. So, here’s a few important tips · Get ...