Gynae/Obs Viva/OSPE/OSCE Questions by batch 2015

Unit 3 ...long case allotment.. v had ample tym to prepare.. examiners did nt cum to the beds.. obs viva had low lying placenta... wt r risk facs of pt? Wat complications? Activ Mx o third stage... she asked next ques frm watever i sed..   dr ayesha malik gyne case mass abd... Complaints of pt. Describe mass. DD. Ix. Rx of ur pt if fibroid? She ws nulliparous so i sed myomectomy. Wat Ix befr surgery? All Ix fr fitness fr anesthesia.

2 super short table vivas..  dr arshad chohan ws sayin infertility k baray me jo kch pta h bta do.. same with contraception, abnormal bleed, ectopic , incontinnce, ovarian tmrs, endometrial tmrs etc. Asked me ovarian tmrs. I started tellin clasifiction. Asked tmr markers.

Extrnal tabl viva... she ws givin scenarios lyk pt at 38 w bleedin... wats DD ... etc. Asked me pt wid previous 1 C is givn trial, wat complication cn occur ? Uterinr rupture... hw Dx. Rx. Wants to hear resuscitation !

Osce dummy ws define normal labr. Mech o normal labor. Mam dint ask me to demonstrate. Other interactiv wer prolapse: DD, comps, Rx. DnC instruments n procedure. Ventouse soft cup, comps, contraindi. Baki pap smear report. Hysterectomy specimen. Episiotomy scissors. Q on semen analysis. Hystrosalpingo. Scenarios o gdm, chorioamnionitis, Rh , ...

Table viva mam farhat naz aur unhi k ward ki extrnal lainay ai thein...
Unit 1 long case...
2 long case 1 gynea 1 obs
30,40 minutes each..
Mam aa k apko PV bhe btati hain. Scan bhe btati hain.. In short diagnosis investigation scan details etc likhwa daiti hain... And viva unit 1 extrnal was very sweet, just 2,3 qs easy about ur long case.. Mam tabinda zra sahi viva laiti hain... PA krwati hain.. Lakin i heard k wo sbko 40 plus day rahi thein.. Lakin wo extra swal nae krti ward card check krti hain... Rapid fire type two table viva 2qs easiest in each
Than our toacs in unit 2 wo bhe simple si thi.. Bs aik do tripple assesment for fetal anomalies etc baki easy tha alhmdulilah... Dummy pay normal delivery... Uv prolapse interactive, ventouse ki pic and qs mam bythi hoti us pay... And DnC
Han aik specimen tha usk oper likha tha uterus ovaris fallopian tube.. Rmval procedures btana tha
Bs apny bht jaldi jaldi laina hai. Complete nae hoti khasi lakin wo puri suntay hi nae hain...
Long my pgs b bta dyty history b hojati easily
Table just 1,2 qs easiest qs kuch bhe.. Like mujhse aik pay hysterectomy ki complications aur dusrey pay forceps delivery ki complications
Mjse dub ki defination or polymenhorhea ki definition
Unit 1
2 long cases
Dr.tabinda case placenta previa
History, differentials, rule out on base of history, provoking factors for placental abrubtion, complication u would expect witg placenta perevia and one previous c sec ( mam wants to hear placenta accreta) accreta percreta, increta diff, if accreta mangemnt hystrctmy if not willing for hysterectomy?? Dr. Sophia said this question is beyond students scope but mam said they should know (answer is uterine artery ligation)
Case uv prolapse external
Presntng complaint, diagnosis, how prolapse diagnosis confirmed( clinical) mangemnt, cmplications of vaginal hysterectomy
Table vivas unit 4
Dr farhat staging of cervical cancer
External ventouse or forceps which is better,
Maternal and fetal compl of forceps
Osce unit 2
Episiotomy scissors
Chorioamnionitis(prom,fever,raised tlc)
Rh incompatibility
Specimen (uterus,ovaries,tubes)
CTG(significance, define acceleration, 4 things on which u comment)
Interactive(dummy, dnc, ventouse, uv prolapse)
Tripple test, fetal abomalies in diabetes
Criteria of vaginal delivery in breech, compl of ecv
Semen analysis
Pap smear report significance, instrumenr used
Unit 1 mai long case tha,gynae mai abnormal vaginal bleeding ,prolapse k cases thy bs i think or obs mai aph tha mera,baqion ka nahi pta,woi ap 30 min mai history lo then switch hojatay bed,ap apnay switching partner say discuss kr saktay :D plus they tell u the findings or questions b btadetay e k kya kya kr saktay examiners plus during viva mam tabinda k pichay wali ma'am help kr rae hoti hain lipsing kr k :D
Table viva sir chohan bht e simple pochty
Asked me antenal care k faida
Or external ny infertility sy swal kiay
Sath ye b kaha hans kr k chohan saab ko btati hu
Ap ny infertility ni parhaya hua :p
Bcz wo woi poch re thi swal
Or aksar bachon sy repeat b kia tha swal i guess
Toacs hmara unit4 mai tha
They help you If you ask them
Even viva wali ma'am b table pe bta rae thin
Jo reh gya tha answer :D
Unit 2 long cases.
Gynae uv prolapse. Sir arshad just asked definition, degree, management
Obs-GDM external asked definition, complication, at what time will u deliver
Table viva with mam tabinda. Define APH. Difference b/w abruption and praevia
External asked treatment of septic abortion.
Unit 2
Long case gynae: mass RIF
Mass abdomen k he cases thy aas pas.
History khud li. I asked a pg k mje ovary ni aati. Ovarian cyst tha. She said case change ni hoga mai viva tyar kra deti hu. Btadia sab main main.
Then.half an hour baad switched to obs case. PV leak. Aas pas oligohydramnios e thay cases sab. Mera with leak tha ( rupture) Baqi wdout leak( non rupture)
Viva dr arshad. Complaint? D/D? Torsion pr easy se questions.
External: history suni thori. Management? Distressed h baby toh kya krengy. I said C sec in that case but she wanted posture change and oxygen type answers.
Khair. Phir table viva: dr tabinda. Management of cord prolapse.
Baqio se pph b kafi suna. Causes management.
External: attendance puri kyu ni h mai extra marks dayra tha us k. Chuti kyu ki?. Define endometriosis. Management.
Then osce. No help. 20 stations. 1 resting. 2 drugs thein. Interactive me dummy k elawa wrigley and fibroid. Sabko 5 he dayray thay osce me
Direct occipitoposterior ki delivery ka mechanism pucha tha mujh sy
Files nhi thi but bhttt help hori thi case prep me
Easily hori thi help
Dr arshad k pas obs ka viva hua
Case was Anemia in preganncy sir shughal lga rhy thae sb bacho ka :/ajeeb swaal kr k hastey thae lol
External.k pas gynae case it was menorragia basically. But viva went to post menobleed causes ended up At CIN and CA endometrium
Main main mota motab
Then Dr ayesha unit 3 tablr viva she looks at ward card pickss a topic
Rh jncompatibility poocha mjhse kehti poora smjhao mjhe i told her. Kehti prevent kesy krnge
AntiD antibody dose btao
Aur route
Dursa table viva unit3 k external.k pas
Define ectopic preg and menorraghia bs dou swal aur jao
Phir osce
Osce me ek station per sirf D&C hogi procedure identify instumntsb
Ek per uv prolapse ka sceniro tha phir usper swal ek sari hui mam thi wahan bethi hui
Phir dummy thi usme Dr Amna thi wo sweet thi dummy handle nhi hoti lol zbaani sunaya mene normal.labor
Kr k bhi dikhaya
Ek.ventouse pra tha uski indication contraindictaion
Bhi th
80% tocs k notes waley hi scenrios thae
Osce me bhi hori thi cheating
Bta rhy thae pgs aram aram sey
Even pg was telling in presence of Dt tabinda
Crux is main main sb kr jana bina prhy nhi hoga lol
Lekin agr nhi bhi ahy thae jwaab tou itna koi mind nhi tha kia Dr arshad ney.
Unkey pas sbka hi ajeeb hora tha :/
Unit 2 long case
No books..30 min each for gynae n obs case. Pgs were helpful.
Gynae Case: mass abdomen. Dr arshad chohan. Wats Dx? Fibroid how will u treat? Myomectomy. Complications? Effect on fertility?
Obs case. Anemia in pregnancy. External. Presenting complaints tk suna. Wats the cause? How will u treat..side effects of parenteral iron? Kitni dair me effect ae ga? This patient delivers n den develops bleeding. How will u manaige?
Unit 1. Table viva. Dr tabinda. Post partum hamorage ka scenario dia n asked management of uterine atony.
External. Wats ectopic pregnancy? Its treatment? Full attendance daikh k khush ho rae thay.
Unit 3 osce. No help...scenarios of ectopic, molar, prom, bacterial vaginosis, magnesium sulfate, methyldopa, sonicaid ki pic, diabetes complications?
Interactive: Dummy occipito posterior...krwaya ni...just asked kese delivery ho gi. Myomectomy screw, wrigleys forceps, fibroid specimen
Some of their fav topic:
Pap smear
Abnormal Uterine bleeding D/D
Endometrial hyperplasia

Long APH nd missed abortion table viva on forceps delivery complications and pph causes, stress incontinence, s/s of pid, causes of dysmenorrhoea, indications of dnc, mx of endometrial hyperplasia.

unit 1
Obs case wth dr tabinda
gestational DM with vaginal discharge and peri urethral itching
Ma'am asked Hx.
Obs Hx. 
asked me to do PA
what is the heart rate?
whats the fundal ht?
is it acc to dates. (no)
Y large for dates
why is it macrosomic
hylerinsulinemia occurs in fetus or mum?
why does hyperinsulinemia occur?
what is most common complication?
which complication is evident in this pt?
which infection is most likely in it? what will u do?
GYNAE CASE with ext
Whats ur Dx
Table viva obs
indications of vantouse
complications of vantouse
Table viva gynae
D n C indications, complications
IUCD complications.
And thats all.
as for osce, i only remember that there were 4 interactive sessions. dummy. a scenario of uv prolapse. D n C instruments n procedure. Vantouse.

Unit 3
Long case uv prolapse maam aisha history suni.reasons for prolapse in this
long case external...gestational diabetes...thori hoatory suni...complications...iugr par phir le to deliver....symmetrical assymetrical iugr...c section preterm and vaginal par phansa diya
table viva sir arshad chohan... what is growth hormone.uses.what are pitutiary hormones?
Table viva ext. Ventouse uses.indications.complications
osce 20 stations
Dummy normal labour.uv prolapse senario.ventouse again.D and C. COcp.hysterosalpingogram.CTG.triple test.male infertility test.semen report.pap smear.chorioamniotis senario.breech prerequisites.ECV contraindications.


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