Peadiatrics Viva/OSPE/OSCE Questions by batch 2015

Unit 1 Short extrnal. Motor sys of lowr limb. There ws no finding. Show knee jerk. Two Causes of lmn . Choose singl tst fr polio. I sed stool cuz non invasive.                      
Short case dr akmal. Gpe ... child ws maramic... MEASURE LENGTH/HEIGHT, WEIGHT, OFC of every child n kno wats normal fr that age...
Tell findings.. was there  wrinkling? Yes on face, no buccal pad o fat. Define marasmus.                       Osce xray uppr lobar pneumonia.organisms.complications.
Scenario severe dehydration.Mx.
Pic of maculopapular rash.likely Dx.comps.
Helping babies breathe.                      
Long case internal mam. Wats age of child n ur Dx. Wt? I sed she ws being nebulized so i dint measure.
Thats no excuse! 😅 ofc? classify her pneumia by imci. Tell findings.. my pt ws preterm so mam ws trying to ask causes of low wt in 2 mo child... i cud only cum up wid infections n improper feeding 😁
Xray findings.. consolidation.. she ws lyk lobar consolidation in 2 mo old????! Again i ws clueless 😶 Rx .

Short GPE akmal laeq
External motor system UPPER LIMB
long Pneumonia

Short cases in unit 2 were.  Pleural effusion                      
Meningitis tha ek shaid                      
With upper motor lesion                      
Pansystolic murmur n nephrotic syndrome                      
Maine was nephrotic n effusion.. nephrotic wale per gpe kaha tha.  Examination nae dhekte bus findings pochn. Asked most likely cause of ur finding.  Why not heart cause n liver . Investigation wagaira.  When will be urine protein significant                      
I thnk bus yehe the baki yaad nae arae  :(                      
Effusion wale main b findings.  Causes.  Most likely diagnosis.  Diff bw empyema n parapnemonic effusion. Investigation of the patient n treatmnt.. TB hoskhta ? Uska test n asked details of mantoux   Long with dr akmal. Pnemonia.. history sune the thore se.  Most likely diagnosis?  Why ? Imnci ke acc treatmnt. Infant tha wo to wo wale btane the.. most imp findings in this child on chest.  Resp rate n recessions. Epi vaccines against pnemonia.. in main measles n tb ka btana ha along with pnemococcal n h inf                      
Short cases bta dye the aj unit 2 main

Unit 2

Osce. Pneumonia imnci...ors two compositions...wat r they? Wich is better n y?. Pic hypothyroid ...positiv findings Ix . helping babies breathe...1st she said normal...den she said no cry...

Long case. Ext unit 1...pnemonia ka case...history suni thori si...wat are causes of excessive crying in children. Wats ur diagnosis. Investigations.  treatment...cyanosis resp prob se hai ya convulsive se how do u differentiate...agar convulsions k sath ye patient hoti to wat wud u think....

Short case.... Unit 2 xternal. malnourished 5 yr old child...command gpe....wats ur diagnosis ...edema kb hota...she has history of on n off diarrhea...wats dx. Wats cystic fibrosis...uska test...neonate me kia hota...

Short case unit 2 internal...examine motor system of lower limbs....findings?  Hypotonia n areflexia tha...causes....cerebellum k kia features hotay....upgoing dx...causes of lmn disease..

Short 1 examine nervous system of lower limb. Mam tallat.
Viva by external coz mam was busy with 2 other girls.
Hypotonia tha. Differentials. Kesy differentiate krengy transverse myelitis boldea tha mne GBS k sath un dono ko. I said ni pta.

Then examine back of chest. Left side effusion thi. Differentials? Kesy differ krengy consolidation ko effusion se. Jao.

Long case SLE 😛 I said ni leyna. Then he gave me hemophilia. Viva by unit1 ext. History examination suna. 3 points on history for bleeding disorder. 2 points of symptoms for a bleeding disorder in child 6 weeks. Treatment of hemophilia.

Unit 1.
1.meningomyelocoele ke pic the complications, antenatal prevention
2. 'some dehydration' ke imnci management
3. Hypochromic microcytic anemia
4. Help baby breathe.. Sir gives diff scenarios to diff students
Short case 1 external
Abdominal exam
Causes of abd distension in children
Causes of int perforation
Xray finding, pneumoperitoneum
Short case 2. Dr akmal laeeq
Lower limb motor system
Hypereefleia hypertonia causes and differentials
Long case unit 2 external
Case pneumonia
History differentials
Meningococcemia ke finding purpura
Aur causes
Aplastic anemia ka diagnosis treatment
Dexamethasone therapy opv given? Bcg given? Precautions of dpt vaccine
Osce same as asnias
Terror zada tha overall scene is easy.
Mobile ly lyty but long k lia buks mil jati.
Short Dr laeq k pas abdominal exam ascitis thi asked causes and other positive findings. Investigations
External short examine abdomin spleenomegaly thi. Asked non hemolytic causes leshmania ka diagnosis bs.
Long external took viva from unit 2. anemia ka pt tha. Malnutrition
Positive findings puchi specific vitamin Def k signs like vit a k in eyes niacin k zn k . Mangmnt btao isko coeliac hoskti ha no sir acha kase diagnose krty ise. Okay jao.
Osce xray uppr lobar pneumonia.organisms.complications.
Scenario severe dehydration.Mx.
Pic of maculopapular rash.likely Dx.comps.
Unit 1 Short extrnal. Motor sys of lowr limb. There ws no finding. Show knee jerk. Two Causes of lmn . Choose singl tst fr polio. I sed stool cuz non invasive.
Short case dr akmal. Gpe ... child ws maramic... MEASURE LENGTH/HEIGHT, WEIGHT, OFC of every child n kno wats normal fr that age...
Tell findings.. was there wrinkling? Yes on face, no buccal pad o fat. Define marasmus.
Long case internal mam. Wats age of child n ur Dx. Wt? I sed she ws being nebulized so i dint measure.
Thats no excuse! 😅 ofc? classify her pneumia by imci. Tell findings.. my pt ws preterm so mam ws trying to ask causes of low wt in 2 mo child... i cud only cum up wid infections n improper feeding 😁
Xray findings.. consolidation.. she ws lyk lobar consolidation in 2 mo old????! Again i ws clueless😶 Rx .
Short GPE akmal laeq
External motor system UPPER LIMB
long Pneumonia
Short cases in unit 2 were. Pleural effusion
Meningitis tha ek shaid
With upper motor lesion
Pansystolic murmur n nephrotic syndrome
Maine was nephrotic n effusion.. nephrotic wale per gpe kaha tha. Examination nae dhekte bus findings pochn. Asked most likely cause of ur finding. Why not heart cause n liver . Investigation wagaira. When will be urine protein significant
Effusion wale main b findings. Causes. Most likely diagnosis. Diff bw empyema n parapnemonic effusion. Investigation of the patient n treatmnt.. TB hoskhta ? Uska test n asked details of mantou
Long with dr akmal. Pnemonia.. history sune the thore se. Most likely diagnosis? Why ? Imnci ke acc treatmnt. Infant tha wo to wo wale btane the.. most imp findings in this child on chest. Resp rate n recessions. Epi vaccines against pnemonia.. in main measles n tb ka btana ha along with pnemococcal n h inf
Unit 2
Osce. Pneumonia imnci...ors two compositions...wat r they? Wich is better n y?. Pic hypothyroid ...positiv findings Ix . helping babies breathe...1st she said normal...den she said no cry...
Long case. Ext unit 1...pnemonia ka case...history suni thori si...wat are causes of excessive crying in children. Wats ur diagnosis. Investigations. treatment...cyanosis resp prob se hai ya convulsive se how do u differentiate...agar convulsions k sath ye patient hoti to wat wud u think....
Short case.... Unit 2 xternal. malnourished 5 yr old child...command gpe....wats ur diagnosis ...edema kb hota...she has history of on n off diarrhea...wats dx. Wats cystic fibrosis...uska test...neonate me kia hota...
Short case unit 2 internal...examine motor system of lower limbs....findings? Hypotonia n areflexia tha...causes....cerebellum k kia features hotay....upgoing dx...causes of lmn disease...
Unit 2
Short 1 examine nervous system of lower limb. Mam tallat.
Viva by external coz mam was busy with 2 other girls.
Hypotonia tha. Differentials. Kesy differentiate krengy transverse myelitis boldea tha mne GBS k sath un dono ko. I said ni pta.
Then examine back of chest. Left side effusion thi. Differentials? Kesy differ krengy consolidation ko effusion se. Jao.
Long case SLE 😛 I said ni leyna. Then he gave me hemophilia. Viva by unit1 ext. History examination suna. 3 points on history for bleeding disorder. 2 points of symptoms for a bleeding disorder in child 6 weeks. Treatment of hemophilia.
Aur short case me differentials polio b kaha tha mne. Its diagnosis aur vaccines he asked
Finding b koi ni thi apparently 😣 on general look
Ksi ko ni dea SLE wala aaj dun worry  hemophilia was easy usme bus gum bleed kr ri h uski. Aur ek knee swelling h. Examination me aur kuch nae

Unit 1 short case...
Osce bta daitay ...
Short case ..
Cervical lymphadenopathy...
D/d ... lymphomas kon sai hottay ... hodgkin k types...
Diff between lymphoma n tb ki swellings...
Tb ko diagnose kaisay karo gi...
Dr akmal laique...
Easy ... nutritional requirment of a child .. mantoux test ...
Height weight ... malnutrition ...
Pneumonia vaccinations..
Long case...
Acute hep...
History... positive findings.. hepatospleenomegaly... ascities and scrotal swelling ... pallor and jaundice...
Bleeding mai family history ki significance...hemophilia females mai kaisay ho ga... monosomy...xo kya hotta.. hai.. iss ptnt mai kon si portal HTN hai... vit k dependant k illawa kon sai coagulation factors liver bnata hai .. mechanism of edema in him...kon sa metabolic disease brain aur liver ko effect karta hai... wilsons kya hotta hai ... treat n diagnose ... child pugh score and thrombocytopenia...

One of the seniors said kal anay walay bachay yeh parh k aen:
ASD murmur details
Encephalitis and encephalopathy difference
Febrile fits cause?
BCG scar how is it formed?
Long case(unit1). This is not all. Leken majority in mein se they.
Nephrotic syndrome
Cerebral infarct (hemiplegia)
Unit 1
They tell u osce questions bas phele 5bachon k bad luck hoti hai :-P
-Lobar pnemonia x ray. Complication.oraganism
-Pic maculopapular rash. Diagnosis measles.comlications
-severe dehydration
-help baby breathe
Short case
Yeh nai btae k andar kiya case hai
External...Motor exam of upper limbs probably bacha CP ka tha...but normal findings thein...lekin jab sir ne ki to brisk reflex ho gae :-( causes of UMN.diff viral and pyogenic meningitis
Sir akmal laeeq....GPE of a jaundiced pt.positive findings.hepatomegaly causes
Long case
Maam talat wasnt diagnosed yet..causes .positive findings in child.examination. investigations.treatment

Unit 2 short cases
Pleural effusion
Nephrotic syndrome py GPE krwa rahy thy
Mine were pleural eff n GPE
Mam Talat
-pneumothorax ka percussion note
-pleural eff n consolidation me clinically diff
-causes of pleural eff
-treatmnt of eff
-causes of generalized edema
-one investigation to diff b/w CRF n nephrotic
-nephrotic ka treatmnt
-steroids kitni duration k lye dety hain
-if there is genralized edema n HTN then diagnosis
-complications of nephritic
-traetmnt of heart failure
Long case(external)
Fever n chronic diarrhea
-acute,chronic n persistant diarrhea ka diff
-persistant diarrhea k organisms
-cystic fibrosis ka confirmatory test
-celiac dis ki investigations
-lectose intolerance
-osmotic n secretory diarrhea
-pt k angular stomatitis b tha so uski causes
-fever ki types
-IBD ki investigations

Unit 2.
4 tables.
1 diarrhoea imnci Tx dehydration classification.
2. A scenario of Fe deficiency anemia (if I'm right)
3. A photo of meningomyelocele. Dx. Complications. Antenatal Dx or care.
4. Helping baby breathe (mam kept altering the scenario n u had to perform accordingly)
Short case:
Command was to do GPE. Case was nephrotic (most likely) I wasn't told what was inside, some people did come to know.
He asked positive findings. Kind of scolded me for not asking for proper sized cuff. Causes of edema. Investigations. At what protein level do we call it nephrotic. What other investigations would u do.
If u find edema+ enlarged L nodes what would be Dx? (I dint know.)
Edema + Liver enlargement. Dx?
How would u check clubbing.
Causes of clubbing.
Pathophysiology of edema development in liver disease.
Relationship of nephrotic with HTN (this too I dint know)
Dr Talat:
Examine precordium.
It had findings all on inspection palpation n auscultation.
I told Acc to my perception.
Asked Dx.
MR Acc to me. Grades of murmur. Causes of MR in the pt. What is the severity of MR in this pt? I said v severe. Why? Cz heart is enlarged, shifted apex beat n rt ventricular heave.
I felt that short cases went in quite a fussy hustle n I don't know how right my findings were.
Long case
With external of unit 1.
Hx. Provisional Dx. Did u weigh the child. Is the wt normal. Malnutrition classifications. Diff bw marasmus n marasmic kawashiorkor.
How would u treat pneumonia.
Why this antibiotic n y not that.
Fe deficiency anemia
How would u investigate?
A very good luck to all.


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