
Showing posts from April, 2017

The K3wl Kemcolian Syndrome (KKS): Do you have it?

It has been quite some time now since the day I first set foot at KEMU and there were moments when I had to rub my eyes and pinch myself just to check if I was awake because some people make you actually go like:                                       Yes! These eyes have seen much and finally I think it is time to bring to light 'The K3wl Kemcolian Syndrome aka KKS' so that all of us who suffer from it can at least know that we have it. After all, the first step is always realization. The criteria for diagnosis is quite simple. If you have any three of the below listed 10 signs and symptoms, I hate/love to break it to you but you have KKS. Without further ado, here we go. 1. If you are in atleast 2 different societies but all you have actually done is absolutely 'nothing': OR is it?  And every time someone asks you about it you go like 'I show up with my pretty face! ...

13 Reasons Why: Shaadi Season Edition. By~Romesa Qaiser Khan.

Warning: If you are someone who has gotten married or engaged recently or else are one of those people who are actually capable of being happy for other people instead of getting triggered like my sad, forever alone soul- this rant is not for you.  We all see it. It's the giant elephant that crushes your soul every time you so much as try to refresh the news feed on facebook. A shaadi here, a shaadi there- actually shaadis everywhere. And if you're one of those adult-children who can't even take care of yourself, much less enter a life long binding commitment with another functional human being- then you'll catch the drift about just why shaadi kinda equals barbaadi for every single and not-ready-to-mingle individual. Reason 1: From bhai to bae. Aik anokha safar. It is a universal truth that if you are a desi person who has managed to reach the ripe age of 18 with a cousin around, you are definitely in need of a rishta from them. Who cares if you don...
FINAL YEAR GUIDELINE 2017.  So, here comes Final Year. A year that is destined to make you “Dr.”.  Final year is fun. But it doesn’t mean you don’t have to study. In fact, In final year you have to study more. But in a different way. After passing all the four profs, you'll have enough idea what important and what not. Ti which stuff, you have to give your time..and which stuff doesn’t need any revision at all. Here is some guideline. Important note: In final year you have to study whole year.:p Try to cover maximum syllabus during ward times. And give your ward test as if it’s a prof. this will eventually help you in prof prep. Do all the methods during your ward time. Present cases in wards, OPDs. Assist surgeries. Make presentations. Be clear about one thing. In final year you have to study yourself. No one will spoon feed you.  You have to learn yourself. You have to present cases yourself. Presenting cases in wards will  help you in preparing long ca...


BY ARMAGHAN AYUB (1 st Year MBBS) Being Kemcolians, we all must have witnessed the ultimate beauty of the university and must have relished the charm of being a Kemcolian. But there's something which has always been undiscussed and would always have been if it wasn't for today. When we got admitted here, everyone had his own definition of difficulty (why I’m only using ‘his’ and not ‘her’, you’ll know shortly). Some thought it would be the strenuous routine of the hostel while others thought it would be the burden of the medical studies but no one knew what it would actually turn out to be. Not wasting much time, it’s time to reveal the enigma that is within itself :3  May he be a freshie, a Final year student, a post graduate or a house jobian, the most difficult thing in everyone’s stay at KE, I believe, has always been to cross the ‘Chowk’ leading from the Boys Hostel to the university which due to its unique shape, multidimensionality, heavy and uneven traf...

1st Year Class Tests 2016

Nerve and Muscle Physiology Blood Physiology CVS Module (Physio Portion) Respiratory Module (Physio Portion) Embryology Histology Final Stage Lower Limb General Anatomy CVS Module (Anatomy Portion)  Final Stage Upper Limb Respiratory Module (Anatomy Portion)

1st Year Past Papers 2016

Anatomy Prof Physiology Prof Biochem Prof Islamiat Biochem Send Up Anatomy Send Up Physio Send Up