The K3wl Kemcolian Syndrome (KKS): Do you have it?
It has been quite some time now since the day I first set foot at KEMU and there were moments when I had to rub my eyes and pinch myself just to check if I was awake because some people make you actually go like: Yes! These eyes have seen much and finally I think it is time to bring to light 'The K3wl Kemcolian Syndrome aka KKS' so that all of us who suffer from it can at least know that we have it. After all, the first step is always realization. The criteria for diagnosis is quite simple. If you have any three of the below listed 10 signs and symptoms, I hate/love to break it to you but you have KKS. Without further ado, here we go. 1. If you are in atleast 2 different societies but all you have actually done is absolutely 'nothing': OR is it? And every time someone asks you about it you go like 'I show up with my pretty face! ...