A Journey From The First To The Last Bench!

This blog won 1st Place in the All Pak Blog Competition, 2017 in Humorous Category.

By Anum Khaliq, Final Year MBBS

When I entered the med-school after bearing sleepless nights and matchless hardwork in matric and F.Sc, it was like a dream coming true. However, my era (time) to date has rightly compelled me to say that life in a med-school is not more than a set of missions and u have to accomplish most of them without any *leavemealone or *betterthanwalking cheat-codes! :p
Lets have a look at how I am a sucker at most of things! You can always grab a cup of tea before starting!

1. Mission Waking-up in the Morning! 
“Press your clothes in the night!”
“I have, mommy”
“Seniors nae tang tau nae kiya?”
“Nae kiya”
“Allah hafiz”
“Yeah, do wake me up before sunrise!
And Allah Hafiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzz” (I have a bad habit of slanging “hafiz” I always do!)
Was my first conversation with my mother on my first night in hostel. A conversation in which worry was clear in my mother’s voice and fear was evident in my tone since tomorrow was gonna be my first day to KEMU, Dream of many,  Destiny of a few, and I had not developed a habit of waking up on my own as yet.
Although the night passed without any seniors trolling the corridors thanks to the new hostel building we get, yet I had a trouble in sleeping and hence a trouble in getting up! I remember Going to the washroom where all basins were occupied rather over-occupied :p I kept standing there doing nothing for next 5 minutes when a friend of mine said, “Kya dekh rae ho jaldi mun hath dho! Dair ho rae hae”. And I exclaimed,” Ab mein itne saare logon k saamne daant brush kroon” :p
And she bursted into laughter. What she said in the reply is not cool enough to be written publicily!
I was a total failure at waking-up early in the morning!

2. Mission 90% Attendance:

When I reached university (on my very first day), a whole bunch of new-comers was coming out of Anatomy Lecture Theatre and my eyes became wide open!
“Oh My Goodness! Pehla lecture ho bhi gya! Ab tau pakka attendance short ho jani hae” (yeah that was me being over-dramatic after having missed my first ever lecture) :p
And in my sorrow of having missed my first lecture I missed the train of new-comers heading towards its next destination leading to my late arrival in the next lecture which by the way was of psychiatry and upon reaching there 15 minutes late I was like, “Ab yahan bhi attendance nae lgni” It was only revealed later on that the first week was an introductory week for us to get acclimatized with the environment and attendance of that week did not matter much. Anyhow I felt like a total failure at mission attendance cuz we go to university for attendance above all, don’t we?

3. Mission First-Bench is mine:
Upon entering the university as a theeta the urge to sit in the first row was high! From getting up an hour early for the first lecture to pushing everybody aside while shifting from one lecture theatre to the other to writing my name on the back of first bench I tried everything. Every single attempt went in vain. I always ended up sitting in the third last row sometimes even the last! Again I was a complete failure at mission-first seat.

4. Mission Anti-Ragging:

In my early days I never got fooled or ragged by any senior. I felt like a Gunther in this domain. We, I and my room-mates, used to be cautious much to keep the door of our room locked thereby surviving the attacks of seniors many a times until one day I was leisurely talking to my mother on phone in the corridor with the door of my room opened when I felt mysterious roaming of some monstrous-creatures i-e; seniors. I hung up the call, rushed to my room, slammed the door, bolted it, screamed “seniors are here” and turned my face to my room-mates just to notice that the zombies had already reached home! :p Anyhow, they turned out to be the coolest seniors ever! But, I felt like failed again!

5. Mission Sath Sath Parhai:

Being a born-theeta I made this firm promise to myself that I would continue my parhai with the same zest and zeal I used to have in matric and F. Sc. So my struggle in hitting the spot right on target in this field started with taking notes during lectures, getting every damn slides from the lecturers and reading every single detail, buying the original junqueira for histology, doing general anatomy from four different resources, downloading the original version of Grey’s Anatomy ( I am not talking about the TV show here) :p and the list is long and gets funny and funny along! :p
Well, I appeared for the cell-module assessment and I attempted all the MCQs on In Pin Safety Pin basis was proof enough of how I was a total failure at sath sath parhai.

6. Mission Stay Focused:
I Have always been a fan of “Regularity defining Perfection” So I decided to stay motivated for my studies back in first year. But gotta say this university atmosphere is always lingering with distractions and I am kind of liable to all kind of distractions! I mean this blog is a proof enough of my misery! :p I cannot maintain focus! :p

7. Mission Getting through without red-mark:

Well that is every body’s dream to go through all the tests and professionals without any red mark or reattempts. I decided to pass my tests by hook or by crook! :p Honestly I have tried my best to say “this is my area” by the end of the day. But we all have our ups and downs! I happened to have passed all the tests in my first year except for the last one- the test of GIT! :p Well, that was a bad day! Anyhow I moved forward with “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” look on my face. :3

Anyhow, the list of my missions is long, and the list of my plans on getting done with my missions and list of how I failed at every single spot is even looooonnnnnger! So lets just stop the writer here! Unlike many others who work hard because of infamous slogan of “buss yae char saal agay aram hae”, I worked hard because I wanted to get what I got! Gotta say this that medical life is full of its charms and glory! The momentary problems are toubles we face every day are not worthy enough to be categorized under the heading of “problems” In my opinion, pain is felt when you see your loved ones in pain and loss happens when you lose your loved one! Every other hurdle that comes in your life is just to boost up your energies! J                          


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