How to fight COVID-19? What you can do to protect yourself

As we are in our houses for a few days now, exonerated from our daily lives of academics, it might get, or already getting for some, a bit stressful amidst all the tension going on in the world.

With the number of confirmed cases rising just above 90 in our own country, the situation seems alarming.

But it is what it is now, and we have to face it. There's no need to panic, but certainly need to be cautious and aware. 

Coronavirus is the kind of virus that causes the disease COVID-19, leading to respiratory illness. It has been declared a pandemic by WHO (World health organisation) as it's affecting thousands of people around the globe. 

Let's explore some facts about COVID-19 and the prevention strategy as the situation prevails.

What Are The Main Signs And Symptoms Of COVID-19? 

According to WHO, the following symptoms appear in 2-14 days of exposure:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath 
In more severe cases, it causes pneumonia, severe acute respiratory distress syndrome, and acute kidney failure.  

How Does COVID-19 Spread? 

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) declares human-to-human transmission as the possible source of spread.. .

Some of the possible routes may be:

  • Close contact with people
  • Respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes
  • Contact with infected surfaces  
What Can We Do To Protect Ourselves From COVID-19?

Who hasn't heard the phrase "Prevention is better than cure"? Let's put it into action now!

The best way to protect yourself from this pandemic is not to expose yourself to it in any way possible. 

Here are some of the safety measures you can take:

1. Wash your hands properly

Wash hands many times a day. Prolong your duration of washing them. Do it for at least 20 seconds especially after you've been out. Rub palms, the dorsi, and the fingers separately. 

2. Keep a hand sanitizer

Always keep a hand sanitizer with you. Especially for the students who visit wards as their daily routine. The person in your group carrying one is always considered a hero, but you need to display the heroism now too and carry one yourself.

3. Maintain minimum touch with your body

Don't touch your mouth, face, eyes, ears with your hands.

Sneeze or cough in elbow or cover your face with a tissue. - Maintain social distance if you feel sick. I know it feels difficult, but what isn't?

4. Use a face mask

Wear face mask if you feel sick. You do not need to if you aren't. But do cover your face if you're around someone who has cough or other likewise symptoms. 

5. Clean and disinfect

Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. Sounds like a difficult task. Eh?

Points I'd Really Like To Emphasize

Avoid big gatherings. I know holidays are supposed to be fun but it's about lives now. Refrain from social hangouts. Invest this time in some other productive habits within the walls of your house, maybe? 

Don't touch each other unnecessarily. Avoid greetings by shaking hands, or hugging. Love each other but from a distance. You're not only protecting yourself this way but your loved ones too.
Don't spread misinformation. First authenticate, then forward. 

Seek medical help whenever you feel fever, cough, pain or pressure in chest. Take a diagnostic test. 

Being medical students, it's out utmost responsibility to be protective, aware people around us, and encourage them to visit a doctor if they have any of the above symptoms getting worse. 

May we all remain in the best of our healths.


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