Self-isolation-Coronavirus | Stay home stay safe

                                                    STAY HOME STAY SAFE
With the cases of Corona reaching near 900 in Pakistan , it is requested to people to stay self-isolated / quarantined in their homes.
It is to remain confined to your houses and avoid contact with people (also your family members if you have symptoms like flu, fever or have encountered some corona patient). You should only go out if necessary .
The virus spreads through respiratory droplets of patients or through close contact with them (less than 6 ft.). It may infect you by touching the things already infected by the virus and then touching your mouth , nose or eyes. On average , a patient infects 2 to 3 people if no safety measures are taken. So its better to self-isolate than to get infected unknowingly and spread it to your loved ones.
You can utilize this time to explore your talents by doing different things like ;
doing Zikr or reciting Quran
cooking some delicious meal or trying a new recipe
reading your favorite or unfinished book
rearranging your closet or room
watching any unwatched season or movie
painting or making an art craft
spending some quality with your family
You should wash your hands every now and then for 20 secs.
Should disinfect frequently touched surfaces like door knobs, taps etc. According to a study by US National Institute of Health , the virus remains on cardboard for 24 hrs and on plastic and steel for 2 to 3 days.
Avoid close contact with the patients.
Take enough sleep and eat a healthy diet.
Wear masks if you are nursing a patient or have any symptom.
Cover your face while sneezing or coughing with some tissue or your elbow.
Contact your doctor if you have flu , fever or any other symptom.
Avoid public gatherings.
You should be much more careful if you are elderly or have a weak immune system or some heart or respiratory disease because you are at a greater risk .
Lets pray to Allah and seek forgiveness for our sins. Lets pray this virus is gone for good.


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