About Us

Professor Dr. Khalid Masood Gondal
Vice Chancellor KEMU
Patron In Chief

Professor Dr. Asad Aslam Khan 
Professor of Ophthalmology
Staff President KemUnited



      Founded in 2011, KemUnited is the hub of aspiring bloggers cum med-students. It has been providing a creative outlet to some of the most talented writers and artists of the university.

            We not only provide guidance for MBBS but also for Pre-Medical, USMLE, PLAB, FCPS and Elective rotations. This makes us the go-to place for all sorts of medical school information.

            Our KEMLife page features all the quirks in the life of a common kemcolian. Be it the Society Paparazzi or the latest scoop on campus we have it all here. You want humour and irony? We have that too!

Our team puts in a considerable amount of effort despite hectic daily schedules. So we sincerely hope that you enjoy our content and find it useful.
Happy reading!




Let’s Make KE Great Again! 

For Any Queries or Contributions reach out to us at kemunited@gmail.com

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