Post-Graduation: AMC / FCPS and more

AMC: Australian  Medical Council

Excellent article. Read for a general overview as he explains the fundamentals of this exam and addresses the different myths that prevail about this..

FCPS: Fellowship of The College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan


New House Officer's Orientation Guide
by Dr. M. Tauseef Omer
F.C.P.S. Resident

Paediatrics Medicine & Neonatology
Mayo Hosp.,Lhe.
FCPS Part-I in ''Medicine & Allied Specialties'' - The Study Guidelines
by Dr. Muhammad Tauseef Omer
FCPS-II Resident Paeds., Medicine.

FCPS- I Preparation Guide for Radiology
by Dr. Saba  (Kemu Class of 2006-11)
F.C.P.S Resident Radiology

FCPS Part-I in Pathology - The Preparation Guide
By Dr Remisha Zahid
KEMU Class of 2006-11
F.C.P.S Resident, Dept. Of Pathology , KEMU-MHL

FCPS Part-I Preparation Guide for Ophthalmology
by Dr Omar Ashraf
F.C.P.S Resident Ophthalmology,
KEMU Class of 2006-11

FCPS Part 1 Guidelines for Anaesthesiology

Dr.Anum Anwar (batch 2006-2011) 

Importance Of House Job
Doctor Waqas Nawaz talks about the dilemma that every med student inevitably faces:house job or no house job?

A chance for old Kemcolians to guide the upcoming generation by sharing their experiences.

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