
Unsa's Posts

Okay fans, here are all the blogs written by Unsa Athar. From premedical guides to kemlife cocktails: click, read and enjoy ;)

Random Rambling: Lessons I learnt in two years.

It’s been two years Alhamdulilah. Two well spent years.

Oh man, It was one not-so- smoooooooooooth journey.  The academic session lasted for six months and the remaining six months were ruled by prof season. 

                                 *this is how I feel at the end of sophomore year!*

Let’s not get into the details of this year because frankly I do not remember half of the stuff that happened:P I think I am just going to write down some of the random lessons I learnt this year which might help my juniors.

What we do in KE-- #Sophomore
And just in three months of sophomore year we be like:

Hey Freshies, This article for those among you who are looking forward to more fun at KEMU. Since I am known to be a freak jerking around in all the societies, some of your felllows were asking me about them. So here it is, happy reading!!

For the future MCATIANs -Fighting your fears 
When I was youngster of 8th class, I was not sure which field I really wanted to choose. In our school, only sciences are taught. In 9th class also, we had no choice between biology and mathematics. We only had biology to study to. Aur jab bachpan mn pocha jata tha k bdey ho k kia bno gai, my answer always was ‘DOCTOR’ even though I had never thought about it

Failure in MCAT (or any exam) is not the end of the world!  
 You live, you learn. 
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

MCAT season.. again..!   After defeating the mcat monster, I wrote all I knew about mcat. So now I got nothing new to say as a piece of advice to the juniors. Hence I decided to compile the experiences of different people of my KEMU 1st year class. I hope the juniors shall find the words of KEMU Class of 2017 helpful! iA!

FSc Premedical Guide - How to fly high..  

The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open rain
And always got its share and rain,
Never became a forest king,
But lived and died a scrubby thing…
Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger wind, the stronger trees. 

Choosing the path to glory.. KEMU AIMC or FJMC..  

Ø  When you are done with your assignment, you always find a better way to do it.
Ø  When you finally get the opportunity to go and buy all the stuff your teacher told you to, she/he will remember another one the very next day. And that too a thing very important!,..

To be at a place at which THEY were...

This blog has been written for three people, so if only these three of them read and like it, I would be more than happy :)

What we do in KE: The firstula version 

What we thought coming into medicine will make us:
but what we have become :

Seeing my name in the KEMU list…viola! I did it..!
Feeling excited for the interview…butterflies in tummy..
6th December.. Waking up.. Getting all togged up..
Sitting in the cold lecture hall.. Excited parents.. Chattering students..
And then the drama begins..*Drum roll*
Medical examination. Documents’ submission.  Former was fun. Latter was a tragedy.

Walks to remember...

The Silent trees.. the foggy buildings..
The moist grounds.. the fallen leaves.. <3
He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool. Shun him.
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is 
simple. Teach him.
He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is 
asleep. Wake him.
He who knows, and knows that he knows, is 
wise. Follow him. 
The demonstrator explains the clavicle. I listen. I frown. Itna kuch itni si bone mein :-| I learn it. I revise it with friends.
I think  Chalo clavicle hi revise kr letey hain. I try. But I cannot remember much about it.CLAVICLE TK BHOOL GYI.....


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